Time For A Change

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Christina's Pov:Its been three months and I was still down in Jamaica I'm six months pregnant now and I really want this baby to come out now but I gotta be patient. While I was down here I started seeing someone new his name is Nick. And he's fine as fuck I was thinking of asking Brian does he mind if he moved in also but I know he would lose his damn mind over it so me and Nick decided it would be best for him to rent a house in Cali so I could come and see him sometimes. Sense Brian doesn't really want me I just let the problem go because I thought it was time for a change.

~ At The Airport 4:50 PM ~

Nick:"You sure you wanna leave early you could wait until tomorrow like me."

Christina:"Babe I know you wanna wait but I don't."

Nick:"Fine I love you though be safe oh and call me when you land." He said hugging her.

Christina:"Okay your hugging me to tight."

Nick:Oh sorry."

~ The Next Day ~

Christina Pov:After I finally touched down Brian had his Driver Robert escort me back to his house I was tired as hell my back was killing me and my feet were swollen as fuck.

Robert:Okay Ms. Clarice we've arrived." He said opening her door.

Christina:"Thanks Rob." She said sliding out.

Robert:"No problem enjoy your day."

Christina:"You to." She said walking towards the door.

Brian:"You made it wassuppp!" He said giving her a side hug.

Christina:"Uh hey whats got you all hyped up."

Brian:"Oh nothing just happy your finally back come in." He said motioning her towards the door.

Christina:"Wow this is nice I see you made upgrades sense last time I was here."

Brian:"Well you know I got good taste." He said closing the door.

Summer:"Babe who's at the doo-"

Christina:"Oh hi Summer."

Summer:"Mm hi." She said harshly.

Brian:"Summer please don't start."

Summer:"Im not its just her presence in the room you know."

Christina:"You better control your thot before I sweep her up and down this damn floor Im trying to be nice." She mumbled in his ear.

Brian:"Just ignore her let me show you and the baby's rooms." He said walking towards the hallway.

Christina:"Yeah okay." She said following him.

Christina Pov:I swear on everything if that bitch even try me during the time Im staying here Ima whoop her ass and I'm serious. After Brian showed me and the baby's room I called Nick to see how's he holding up without me.


Christina:"Hey baby how's everything going."

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