The New Assistant Part 1

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Andre's Pov:Last night Mr.Washington had called me telling me someone was stealing money from my business bank account, so thats why the marketing was so damn low and after checking all of my workers bank accounts yes I can do that, but anyways when I got to Patrice's account something was off there was ten million dollars put in her account which was the same amount that got took out of my business account so I straight up fired her lying ass. I was able to hire a new Assistant which is good because I need someone taking calls for me while I'm not there.

Cassidy's Pov:Yes I finally got hired to be an assistant it's been my dream to assist someone sense middle school. I can't wait to start work today and most definitely I can't wait to see My bosses fine ass yeah he's married but I bet I can take him from that bitch.

~ 2:34 PM ~

Ashley:"Hey Pat-" She said walking up to the desk.

Cassidy:"I'm sorry she doesn't work here anymore how may I help you." She said typing on the computer.

Ashley:"Oh um okay I'm here to see Andre is he in his office."

Cassidy:"Yes he is do you have a appointment with him."

Ashley:"No I'm his wife so I don't need one thank you." She said walking away.

Andre:"Hey bab-"

Ashley:"Who the fuck is that bitch out there where's Patrice?" She said walking towards him.

Andre:"I fired her."

Ashley:"Um why?"

Andre:"She was stealing from me Ashley."


Andre:"She was taking money out of my bank account from this building thats why marketing was so damn low."

Ashley:"Oh I'm sorry to hear that but I think you might have to fire this one two."

Andre:"And why is that?"

Ashley:"Cuz she to damn fine to be your assistant thats why."

Andre:"Oh god Ashley do you think I hired her cuz she's fine."


Cassidy:"Um excuse me Mr. Miller you have three callers on line two." She said opening the door.

Andre:"Thanks Cassidy Oh have you met my Wife Ashley yet."

Ashley:"Yeah we've met already."

Cassidy:"Yeah she's okay I guess." She said in a slick tone.

Ashley:"Excuse me what did you say." She said walking towards her.

Andre:"Woah okay hold on now." He said pulling Ashley back.

Cassidy:"I didn't mean to offend you I was just saying what was on my mind."

Ashley:"Yeah sure you were and let go of me Andre I ain't gonna hit her." She said getting out of Andre's grip.

Cassidy:"I'll just get back to work do you need anything Mr. Miller." She smiling.

Andre:"No thank you just go back to working."

Cassidy:"Anything for you Sir." She said winking and closing the door.

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