Loving You

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~ 3 Months Later ~

Brian's Pov:Today I had a busy schedule so I didn't have much time to mess around with anyone but I promised Summer to a date tonight and I'm thinking about popping the question to her I hope she says yes.

Brian:"Good Morning Andre." He said walking into his office.

Andre:"Morning you seem hella happy whats up with you."

Brian:"I got a date tonight with Summer and Im gonna ask her to marry me."

Andre:"Foreal cuz I was gonna ask Ashley the same thing tomorrow."

Brian:"Oh that's great then they gonna try to take everything over with the weddings and shit." He said laughing.

Andre's Pov:The last three months have been great for me Ashley moved in with me not to long ago we are officially together I finally got rid of Lauryn cuz she wouldn't leave me alone about her damn money and me and Brian's business is back on track so I think it's time for me and Ashley to get a move on with our relationship and Ima do that by asking her to marry me tomorrow.

Andre:"So how are you gonna plan it out?"

Brian:"Well we are going to have dinner on the beach tonight then afterwards I'm proposing to her."

Andre:"Smart I like it."

Brian:"What are you gonna do?"

Andre:"Not sure yet but I'll figure something out."

~ 5 Hours Later 7:00 PM ~

Summer's Pov:It's been a good three months and me and Brian have been okay I guess I mean we argue sometimes but we get over it me and Ashley's relationship is back on track like we were before. But anyways Brian just texted me and told me he's on his way for our date I wonder where are we going. When he pulled up I looked out of the window and saw a long limousine I ran downstairs faster then ever just to get to him.

Brian:"Hey beautiful." He said picking her up and hugging her tight.

Summer:"Hey Baby." She said kissing him deeply.

Brian:"You ready to go."

Summer:"Of course."

After a long ride down to the beach they finally approached the nice scenery.

Summer:"Its so beautiful."

Brian:"I know just like you come on." He said grabbing her hand and leading her down to the nice set up.

Summer:"If I knew you was gonna do this I would have did something nice for you to."

Brian:"No I'm fine as long as your happy I'm happy."

Summer:"Awwww I love you baby."

Brian:"I love you to."

Summer's Pov:After we finished eating he led me down to the water and we took our shoes off and played around this is the nicest thing someone has ever done for me and I can actually say I'm enjoying myself. I was picking up a sea shell off of the nice warm sand and when I turned around Brian was on one knee I almost fell the fuck out.

Summer:"Brian what are you doing." She said getting teary eyed.

Brian:"Summer listen I know we've had our moments when things weren't right in our lives but I'm willing to change that and I wanna be with you for the rest of my life and I love you Will you do me a favor of Marrying Me." He said opening the box showing a large diamond ring.

Summer:"Yes yes yes!"

Brian:(Putting the ring on her finger)

Summer:"I love you Brian." She said jumping on him.

Brian:"I love you to Summer." He said hugging her back.

~ The Next Day 2:30 PM ~

Ashley's Pov:Today Andre was taking me on a boat ride so I was in the middle of getting ready. I put on a nice Orange sun dress with my Black sandal's and I flat ironed my hair down my back I thought it would be a nice touch to my outfit.

~ 1 Hour Later On The Boat ~

Andre:"Are you enjoying yourself babe."

Ashley:"Yes I am." She said wrapping her arms around him.

Andre:"Damn you smell good."

Ashley:"Thanks it's peaches and cream."

Andre:"Mmm I wonder if you taste like it to." He said whispering in her ear.

Ashley:"Stop not right now." She said giggling.

Andre:"Turn around real quick I got a surprise for you."

Ashley:"Okay." She said turning around.

Andre:(Getting on one knee) "Okay turn around."

Ashley:(Turning around) "Oh my god!"

Andre:"Ashley will you Marry Me."

Ashley:"Yes I will Babe yes!"

Ashley's Pov:I was not expecting this to happen I mean I know he wanted to take our relationship to the next level but I wasn't expecting this but I'm actually ready to be Ashley Miller that sounds hella good doe.

~ 2 Hours Later Ashley & Summer's Conversation ~

Summer:"You would not guess what Brian did Bitch!"


Summer:"He proposed!"

Ashley:"Oh my god Andre did to!"

Summer:"Yasss bitch we could share a wedding."

Ashley:"Maybe if thats okay with Brian cuz you know how he is when it comes down to me being involved in anything."

Summer:"Don't even worry about him we gotta look for some dresses and cakes girl this wedding finna be to bomb!"

Ashley:"We'll see."

Ashley's Pov:I surprised Brian would even have the balls to propose to Summer after what he did to her but I guess people change we'll see how this goes.

Summer's Ring On The Left & Ashley's Ring On The Right In The MM

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