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~Sunday 9:34 AM~

Summer's Pov:I was sitting in bed thinking about what me and Ashley could do today until something on Brian's table caught my eye. I reached over only to see his phone lighting up. I turned it around only to see A women's name popping up but the only message that really made me mad was the one was one that said "I had fun at the Bahamas last week can't wait to see you baby call me later" That's when I finally realized he has lost his damn mind cheating on me.

Brian:"Okay baby im about to leave Ill see you lat-"

Summer:"Who the fuck is Christina?" She said showing him the message.

Brian:"Why are you going through my damn phone?" He said trying to grab his phone but only to fail miserably.

Summer:"Now you didn't answer my question!"
"Who is She!"

Brian:"A coworker now give me my phone or Im gonna be late!"

Summer:"At this point I really don't give two fucks if your late or not and you not getting it until you tell the truth."

Brian tried to grab his phone once again, but Summer was to quick for him before he could try to grab it again she threw it on the floor and pushed the dresser on top of it making sure it broke into pieces.

Brian:"What the fuck is wrong with you!"

Summer:"Nothing, Your the one that wants to keep secrets!"

Brian:"That was the brand new iPhone 6 plus do you not know how much it cost!"

Summer:"And do you not know that I don't really give a fuck!"

Brian:"I can't stand you sometimes you know that first you let Ashley move back in without asking me, then you bring her to the restaurant and almost costed me my damn job, And now you accuse me of cheating If I wanted to do that I don't think I would be here right now!" He said grabbing his work bag. "Just fuck it im already late we can deal with this later or whenever I decide to come home until then leave me the fuck alone." He said walking out of the room.

Summer:"Oh where are you going over that Bitch's house!" She said following him.

Brian:"Maybe!" He said with a smile on his face and closing the door.

Summer:"Ughhh I fucking hate him!"

Ashley:"Well Good Morning to you to."

Summer:"Oh shit Good Morning you saw all that?" She said sitting on the couch.

Ashley:"Mmmhmm." "What the hell happened and what was that loud bang?"

Summer:"I smashed his phone with a dresser."

Ashley:"(Laughing Historically)"

Summer:"It's not funny."

Ashley:"Yes it is bruh why did you do that?"

Summer:"While he was in the bathroom doing whatever, I was in the bed then I saw his phone blowing up. So I checked it and fucking come to find out it was some bitch named Christina talking bout some how they had fun in the Bahamas and how she can't wait to do it again." She said in a Angry tone.

Ashley:"Damn well okay you can deal with that later lets go out you know get these niggas off of our minds."

Summer:"Ard Ill be ready in 10."

~At the nail shop 12:30 PM~

Summer:"Oh my god this shit feels good I needed this and lets just say Brian won't have that much money left on his card when Im done with it."

Ashley:"(Laughing) Thats my girl."

Summer:"Yeah it feels good to be free for a couple of hours."

For the rest of the day they shopped ate shopped some more went to the movies got there hair done while they were out Ashley spotted a old friend that she hasn't seen in a while.

Ashley:"Aye Summer isn't that Shawn over there."

Summer:"Oh my god yeah it is lets go say hi." She said pulling her in his direction.

Ashley:"You could have waited."

Shawn:"Um can I help you ladies."

Ashley:"You don't recognize us." She said smiling hard.

Shawn:"Um Im afraid not whats your names?"

Summer:"Im Summer and this is Ashley we went to high school with you."

Shawn:"Oh shitt I remember yah now you was dating that smart ass dude, um what was his name again?"


Shawn:"Yep and you was on the females volleyball team."

Ashley:"Yep team captain."

Shawn:"Man its been a while." He said hugging them.

Summer:"Yeah how have you been?"

Shawn:"Good just getting around I came back from boston not to long ago."

Ashley:"Ooo thats nice."

Shawn:"It is maybe Next time I go I can invite yah matter of fact let me get them numbers so we can keep in contact."

Ashley:"Oh um sure."

Summer:"Here you go." She said handing him back his phone."

Ashley:"Now your all set we have to go but it was nice seeing you again."

Shawn:"Yeah you to." He said smiling.

Ashley's Pov:Man he look so damn fine I remember him being all skinny in high school now he all buff the things I would do to that man maybe he could be the one.

Shawn In The MM👆🏾

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