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Brian's Pov:I was just getting in the house from seeing Summer when I had got a call from Christina now I wonder what the fuck she want.

Brian:"Yes Christina what do you want now?" He said falling back on the couch.

Christina:"I just wanted to call and check up on you."

Brian:"Okay and."

Christina:"Whatchu mean and I was trying to see what you've been up to."

Brian:"You shouldn't be asking me that I should be asking you that."

Christina:"Oh don't worry about me Im doing very well sense you left."

Brian:"Me to." He said smirking.

Christina:"I have to tell you something."

Brian:"Okay what is it."

Christina:"Im thinking about seeing someone else."

Brian:"Oh really."

Christina:"Yeah and Im also thinking about
living down here."

Brian:"Wait woah how am I supposed to go with you for doctor visits for the baby and stuff?"

Christina:"I can call you on the phone and send you pictures."

Brian:"Have you officially lost your damn mind this is our child your talking about here I wanna be able to see him or her everyday and do stuff with him or her and your gonna throw it all away like that!"

Christina:"Brian it was never that serious I said I was thinking I didn't say I was."

Brian:"Man fuck you all you care about is you!"

Christina:"Oh really well who let you move in when you broke up with that bitch summer!"

Brian:"Wow okay you let me move in but when you met me I was the one buying you shit and taking you to nice places behind her back thats what caused me and her to break up in the first place!"

Christina:"You think that was my fault you know what okay this whole little relationship is done with I want you out my house today and I don't even give a fuck if Im not there we are done I'll take care of this baby by my damn self don't even bother trying to see it neither goodbye!"


Brian:"Ill buy my own damn house I don't need this small piece of shit."

Summer's Pov:I don't know why but I think I'm falling for Brian again I mean I was fine without him but now it's like I need him. I was on my way to see him at that Bitch's house I didn't even tell him that I was on my way but I guess it will be a surprise. When I arrived I knocked on the door he had answered the door so damn quick it was like he was waiting for me.

Brian:"Uh hey Summer what you doing here." He said stepping back to let her in.

Summer:"Im here to see you duh." She said walking in and taking her jacket off.

Brian:"But I just saw you like a hour ago."

Summer:"And I wanted to see you again but naked." She said stepping closer.

Brian:"Look Summer Im kinda not in the mood for all this." He said walking away.

Summer:"Then what are you in the mood for."

Brian:"Seeing my child being born in a few months."

Summer:"Oh I'm sorry I'll just go."

Brian:"No it's fine you can stay the night if you want Christina most likely won't be back."

Summer:"What do you mean she won't be back?" She said walking towards him.

Brian:"She claims she wants to start seeing other people and that she might start living down there."

Summer:"Sorry to say this but Karma's a Bitch."

Brian:"I know and I agree with you to be honest."

Summer grabbed Brian by his hand and pulled him into a tight hug.

Summer:"It'll be alright don't even worry about that hoe."

Brian:"I guess."

They both had pulled away and stared at each other then they started to kiss Brian ran his hand down to Summer's back and zipped her dress down as it fell down to the floor he stared at her body in awe and realized what he threw away for Christina.

Brian:"Damn you look good."

Summer:"Shut up and fuck me already please." She said jumping on him.

Ashley's Pov:After that whole run down with that stupid bitch Lauryn I thought I would call Shawn and tell him to meet me at this nearby soul food place there food there was to damn good to go to waste.

Ashley:"Hey Shawn." She said hugging him.

Shawn:"Wassup." He said hugging her back.

Ashley:"Thanks for grabbing a table I had to make a stop before I came here."

Shawn:"Oh it's all good I also ordered your favorite off the menu it should be here in a minute."

Ashley:"Oh god thank you after whipping a bitch ass you need to eat."

Shawn:"Yeah thats True but who's ass did you just beat." He said laughing.

Ashley:"That model from the UK."

Shawn:"The one that Andre is supposedly dating."


Shawn:"I don't think there actually dating."


Shawn:"Yeah I mean in there pictures it doesn't even look like they are a real couple."

Ashley:"Thats true I guess."

Shawn:"Yeah but have you heard about Brian and Your little BestFriend Summer?"

Ashley:"No what?"

Shawn:"They might be getting back together."

Ashley:"Say what now." She said confused.

Shawn:"Yeah Brian was spotted this morning leaving her job and every body knows where she works at its really obvious because of him."

Ashley:"She never even told me about him and her Ill just have to talk to her about it."

Shawn:"Yeah before there relationship gets worse like it was before."

Ashley:"You right."

Ashley's Pov:This is a little weird finding out from Shawn that Summer and Brian has been sneaking around together and I don't know what she would want with him after he cheated with that stupid bitch Christina I gotta deal with more dumb ass Obstacles in my life.

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