The New Assistant Part 5

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~ Monday 11:30 AM ~

Andre's Pov:Today I decided I would come In to work a little late then the usual time I come in because I wasn't in the mood, I was able to apologize to Ashley Friday night and she put her ring back on but she still got me sleeping on the couch but I don't care as long as I don't lose her, When I got to my office and opened the door  Cassidy was sitting on my desk with coffee and my newspaper but I wasn't going to accept because she's about to get fired.

Cassidy:"Good morning boss." She said softly.

Andre:"Good morning." He said in a mad tone.

Cassidy:"I just wanted to say that I-"

Andre:"Save it Cassidy."

Cassidy:"But I-"

Andre:"But nothing have you lost your damn mind!" He said throwing his bags down.


Andre:"Okay the what the fuck were you thinking!"

Cassidy:"Andre I told you once before that I was falling for you but you wouldn't listen."

Andre:"So that gives you the right to grab my face and try to kiss me in my own damn house and you know that I'm married!" He said slamming his fist on the desk.

Cassidy jumped at his fist hitting the desk.

Cassidy:"Andre I'm-"

Andre:"No your fired pack your shit and leave and if your not gone by twelve o'clock I swear to god security or police will be here to make you leave!"

Cassidy:"You know what fine I don't need this job anyways." "Oh and by the way you better hope Ashley doesn't divorce your ass before the night is over." She said walking away.

Andre:"Man whatever get the fuck out!" He said sitting in his chair.

~ 8 Hours Later 7:04 PM ~

Ashley's Pov:So around four o'clock this evening I got this message from a unknown number saying that I had to see this video and Something about it being important, When I clicked on the video to play I saw Cassidy and Andre the person I fucking thought was my husband having sex at first I thought I was dreaming but no they were actually doing it. And it one point where I saw Cassidy looked at the camera and smiled right at it but the way Andre was fucking her didn't seem right cuz when he's into sex he literally is in it and he was more sweaty then usual and he doesn't sweat that much during sex with me so it seemed like he was under some sort of control but I can't be to sure.

Andre:"Hey babe."

Ashley:"Come here and tell what the fuck is this!"

Andre:"Okay damn I'm coming." He said walking towards her.

Ashley:"Look at this shit!"

Andre:"Woah wait now I didn't have sex with her!" He said watching the video.

Ashley:"You sure!"

Andre:"Wait a minute so she lied to me."


Andre:"She told me I had passed out but clearly she must have did something to me because I would never cheat on you and I put that on my life Ashley."

Ashley:"I believe you."


Ashley:"Yeah because you don't sweat that much during sex and as you can see she looked right at the camera on purpose and smiled like she knew I was gonna watch it and you only went one round with her so I know it wasn't your fault matter of fact come to the doctor with me."

Andre:"Wait do you think I got some STD from her or something."

Ashley:"I hope not just come on."

~ 1 Hour Later ~

Andre:"This damn doctor need to hurry with these results."

Ashley:"Just calm down baby."

Doctor:"Alright Mr. Miller I have your blood test back and we have good news and bad news which do u want first."

Andre:"Doesn't matter just tell me already."

Doctor:"Well the good news is you don't have any STD's and the bad news is you have trace's of Estacy in your blood."

Andre:"What the fuck?"

Ashley:"I knew it the bitch drugged you."

Andre:"So thats why my drinks were tasting weird that night."

Ashley:"Yep most likely."

Doctor:"Would you like for me to call the cops on the person who did this to you."

Andre:"Yes please."

Doctor:"Okay Ill call them right now." He said walking out.

Ashley:"I told your ass there was something up with her but no you ain't wanna listen to me."

Andre:"I know And I'm sorry for that I really am."

Ashley:"I forgive you." She said kissing his cheek.

Cassidy's Pov:I was watching tv thinking of what job I was going to apply for next sense Andre let me go but I don't really give a fuck about him anymore and plus he ain't even all that he'll learn one day he missed out on a good women, but anyways while I was doing that there was a loud knock on my door.

Cassidy:"Who is it!" She said going to the door.

Police Officer:"LAPD open up!"

Cassidy:"Yes how may I help you sir." She said opening the door.

Police Officer:"You are under arrest for putting Andre Miller Under the influence of an Illegal drug, you have the right to remain silent whatever you do or say will be held against you in court." He said putting the handcuffs on her.

Cassidy:"What I didn't do anything you don't even have proof."

Police Officer:"Yeah Yeah thats what they all say come on." He said walking her to the car.

So This Is The Last Part Of My New Assistant I hope You Guys Enjoyed It As Much As I Did In The Next Chapter I Will Be Returning Back To All The Characters So Be Ready 🤗😁👌🏾

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