All About My Business

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Andre's Pov:This morning I really wasn't in the mood for no drama last night I got my heart broken my business is crashing down on my ass. As soon as I walked into the building people who worked for me was already in my face with papers and shit I walked right passed them like they weren't even there.

Patrice:"Good Morning Mr. Miller would you like any Coffee."

Andre:"Yes Please make it strong oh and add three sugars please cuz Ima need all the strength I can get today."

Patrice:"Yes sir right away oh and when you get in your office you might wanna check your voicemails."

Andre:"Um Okay." He said walking in his office.

Patrice was one of my best assistants yet she had my back through everything even when I was one step away from giving up. When I came into my office the first thing I did was check my voicemails none of them were really important but the one from one of my best celeb partners saying that if In don't get my shit together well lets just say I won't have anyone helping keep my business up for much longer. That was really nothing new I hear the same shit every day so Im used to it.

Patrice:"Here you go Mr. Miller just what you asked for." She said placing the mug on his desk. "Anything else?"

Andre:"Patrice Thank You for everything you've done for me I appreciate very much." He said smiling.

Patrice:"And your very much welcome."

Andre:"Call me Andre for now on Mr. Miller is getting kind of annoying."

Patrice:"Will do anything else."

Andre:"Call Brian's ass and tell him to get his ass up here NOW." He said sipping some of his coffee.

Patrice:"Right away." She said turning and walking away.

Brian's Pov:I was just stepping out of the shower when I had got a call from Patrice she was kinda cool and she looked good as fuck if you asked me.


Patrice:"Um yes Brian Andre wants to see you up here like right now."

Brian:"Why can't he just wait I just got out the damn shower." He said taking his towel off.

Patrice:"He's kinda pissed the hell off at you if you ask me and I actually agree with him."

Brian:"Well that is half of my damn business so he can wait and next time you say you agree with him you won't have a job anymore."


Christina:"Babe whats wrong?" She said wrapping her arms around his waist.

Brian:"Its nothing."

Christina:"Im not stupid Brian it's Andre isn't it."

Brian:"Okay fine you got me yes it is."

Christina:"I knew it well I know one way that I can get you in a better mood."


Christina:"Let me show you." She said getting on her knees in front of him.

~ 2 hours later ~

Andre:"Where the fuck is he?" He said looking out his office window.

Brian:"Im right here nigga." He said closing the office door.

Andre:"Finally Ive been trying to get you here all damn day what took you so long!"

Brian:"Woah there Ima need you to calm down."

Andre:"Me calm down do you not know that this business is going down hill because of you not doing your part of the job!"

Brian:"What do you mean Im not doing my part I go out and do red carpets and shit I help out with the restaurants we own and I help with the celebs that come in every day asking for our help!"

Andre:"Oooo and you think that's something I'm the one making calls across the damn country making money for us and you think some stupid ass restaurants and celebrities and red carpets help thats really not a lot of money if you ask me your being greedy!"

Brian:"Me being greedy okay whatever man."

Andre:"Yes your being greedy I didn't buy those restaurants you did and you went behind my back doing red carpets and shit, you know the other day I checked our savings account for this building and its so weird how 20 million dollars disappeared out of there!" "Care to explain?" He said sitting down putting his feet up.

Brian:"See about that I kinda ran out of the money that You gave me and I had to pay something off so I took a little bit of money out."

Andre:"I can't believe you man thats not a little bit of money we need that incase something happens to this damn building!"

Brian:"Im sorry man It's not my fault that I like buying stuff."

Andre:"So what was it huh?" "A new watch, car, a fucking big ass house, a new face lift for that bitch Christina!"

Brian:"Don't talk about her like that you barely know her!" He said standing up.

Andre:"You damn right I don't you know she went on maternity leave yesterday right."

Brian:"Maternity who?" He said confused.

Andre:"Shes pregnant dumb ass!"

Brian:"Holy Fuck when was she gonna tell me this."

Andre:"I don't know you ask her if you were paying attention instead of buying shit you would know thats why she was feeling sick all them damn days and she kept going home early."

Brian:"I gotta go Ill talk to you later man." He said jogging to the door.

Andre:"You know I like you better with that Summer chick she was wayy better."

Brian:"Shut the fuck up man." He said closing the door behind him.

Andre's Pov:Man I don't know what Ima do with Brian's stupid ass now I gotta focus on how Ima make 20 million.

Andre's Office in the MM

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