Old Flames

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~1 Year Later~

Chanel's Pov:It's been a year now and me and Damien are still together and my baby girl Chantel turned one years old yesterday seeing her grow everyday was something that I wake up for every day. Every sense me and Ashley really stop talking Damien started acting a little weird and I don't know why and he started coming home late smelling like cheap perfume and liquor but I push the Thought of him cheating out of my head.

Chantel:"Mommy where's daddy?" She said climbing in her bed.

Chanel:"He went out for a little while but you will see him when you wake up in the morning." She said tucking her in.

Chantel:"Okay Mommy goodnight."

Chanel:"Goodnight munchkin." She said kissing her forehead.

~ 30 Minutes Later ~

Damien's Pov:It was about eleven at night and I was just getting back from the strip club with some friends and as soon as I made my way in the door Chanel was sitting right on the couch waiting on me.

Chanel:"Where the hell have you been?"

Damien:"Not tonight Chanel I'm tired."

Chanel:"Tired of what!" "Strippers dancing on you!" She said getting up.

Damien:"Look I fucking said I'm tired not tonight!" He said walking away.

Chanel:"What is wrong with you every sense me and Ashley stop fucking with each other you've been a damn mess!" She said following him.

Damien:"What did you just say." He said stopping in his tracks.

Chanel:"I said every sense me and Ashley stop fucking with each other you've been a goddamn mess that's what the fuck I said!"

Damien turned around and grabbed Chanel by her shirt and tried to drag her down the hallway to there room but Chanel was able to get out of his grasp. Afterwards Damien grew more angry then before. He had grabbed Chanel by her hair and dragged her the rest of the way when they reached there bedroom he threw her on the bed and started to rip her clothes off.

Chanel:"Damien stop what are you doing!" She said trying to push him off.

Damien:"Teaching you a damn lesson cuz you got me fucked up!" He said pulling on her hair again.

Chanel:"Ahhh stop it get the fuck off of me now!" She said kicking him in his manhood.

Damien:"You stupid bitch!" He said falling on the bed next to her.

Chanel:"Thats it I'm done I'm packing me and Chantel's stuff and were leaving because you've clearly lost it Damien."

Damien:"Wait look I'm sorry its just I'm starting to miss Ashley."

Chanel:"I knew it so you want her back now."

Damien:"To be honest I really don't know."

Chanel:"Well it's a little to late for that because she's married."

Damien:"What to who?"

Chanel:"Andre Miller."

Damien:"Oh that rich nigga."

Chanel:"Yes and instead of you worrying about her you need to be worrying about this relationship."

Damien:"I don't think I can do that Chanel."

Chanel:"Excuse me?"

Damien:"I think I'm starting to fall for her again."

Chanel:"Fuck you Damien." She said walking out of the room.

~ The Next Day 3:40 PM ~

Damien's Pov:After me and Chanel's Argument last night she had left and took Chantel with her she said they were gonna stay at her friends house for awhile I really didn't care to be honest I just want Ashley back I can't stand to see her with another man. When I turned my tv on it was on the celebrity news channel I'm guessing Chanel left it on this morning on purpose. I had watched it for awhile and then they ended up showing pictures of Ashley and her little famous husband and they were talking about the honeymoon they were on I can't believe that nigga would spend 2 million dollars on a damn honeymoon.

Chanel's Pov:I decided I would stay with my friend lana for awhile until Damien gets his shit together because I don't have time to take care of a man child.

Lana:"He dragged you by your hair has he lost his damn mind!"

Chanel:"Shhhh I don't want Chantel to hear this." She said whispering.

Lana:"She's only one years old she don't care about what we talking about!"

Chanel:"I just don't understand he was the one that cheated on her with me and now all of sudden he wants her back."

Lana:"I have no clue maybe because she's moved on with her life and now that she's married to that rich dude he probably wants a piece of it who knows."

Chanel:"Maybe and don't you remember when her and Summer stop liking each other for awhile over that nigga Brian."

Lana:"Yeah what about it?"

Chanel:"That was a little fake because you can't stop fucking with someone then you back to being friends thats not how it works."

Lana:"You know that Brian has a baby with Christina Clarice right."


Lana:"Yeah they were together at first and then they broke up because of Summer getting in the way."

Chanel:"You know I never liked Summer She always thought she was the shit back in highschool."

Lana:"You and me both girl."

Hey guys I'm back I had took a break because of school getting in the way but I'm here now hope you enjoy this chapter thanks for the love and support I appreciate it 😘. Baby Chantel In The MM 👶🏾

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