The HoneyMoon

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~ Monday 8:30 PM ~

Ashley's Pov:It was now January and it was a whole new year me and Andre decided to go on our honeymoon after new years so we could have time to spend with his family back in cali I don't really speak to my family because we have to many problems with eachother. But anyways we had just arrived to our house we rented out for the time we will be here. I wanted to go to India but then I changed my mind to Paris so now were here I really love Andre he makes me laugh and he makes me happy and I wouldn't change anything about our love for eachother.

Andre:"Wow this house is nice as hell don't you think?" He said putting there luggage down on there bed.

Ashley:"Yes very now we can have time to ourselves." She said hugging him from behind.

Andre:"Yes I already turned my phone off and everything." He said picking her up and laying her down on the bed.

Ashley was getting turned on by now and she couldn't resist anymore. She pulled Andre down towards her and kissed him deeply while he started to take her clothes off piece by piece. By now they were both naked and Andre was doing everything correctly like always and Ashley was enjoying every last bit of it.

Ashley:"YES ANDRE GO DEEPER!" She said digging her nails in his back.

ANDRE:"FUCK IM ABOUT TO CUM!" He said going deeper.

After a good two minutes they both had climaxed at the same time it was so hot in the room they both was sweaty as hell and out of breath.

Ashley:"Mm that felt so damn good Bae." She said laying on him.

Andre:"Yeah because I know what I'm doing." He said smirking.

Ashley:"So what are we doing tomorrow morning?"

Andre:"I was thinking about taking you for some breakfast then maybe the spa and do a little shopping."

Ashley:"Awww that sounds nice I can't wait let me go hop in the shower Im hella sweaty."

Andre:"Okay Im going to sleep for a little while I'm tired as hell."

~ Tuesday 8:20 AM Back In California ~

Christina's Pov:Sense the ending of last year I've been living with my boyfriend Nick he is so sweet and way better then Brian. I don't know what I was thinking when I laid down with him but anyways I just had got back from Dropping Brian Jr off at Brian's house for the week and now I'm back home waiting on Nick to come home.

~ 10 Minutes Later ~

Nick:"Hey babe I'm home!" He said coming in the house.

Christina:"Hey future husband how was your day." She said kissing his cheek.

Nick:"It was good I had saw that Summer chick you used to live with in the store today I think she was buying some pregnancy test."

Christina:"You say what now?" She said confused.

Nick:"Yeah but she had on some shades with a big ass fur coat I guess she wasn't trying to be seen because there was some paparazzi standing outside."

Christina:"Well it is cold as hell today so I understand the fur coat but what would she need some shades for." She said picking up a wine bottle.

Nick:"I have no clue at all."

Summer's Pov:"I can't believe I made it through a whole year without whipping a bitch's ass ain't that a surprise. I was at the store earlier buying some pregnancy test and yes I think I'm pregnant but I can't be to sure. While I was there I had to cover all the way up because I didn't want anyone to know it was me then my business would be all over the place then Brian would do to much about me being pregnant. There was some dark skin guy staring at me and I didn't understand why but he kinda looked familiar but I just brushed it off my shoulder and left.

Brian's Pov:Today Christina finally made up her mind and Brung Brian Jr over I really did miss him. When she dropped him off she seemed a little bothered by me but I couldn't figure out why cuz I ain't do shit. When Summer came back in the house she rushed past and ain't say nothing no kiss or no damn hug she ran right into the bathroom and all I heard was her throwing up.

Brian:"Hey Summer you good in there!" He said yelling across the living room.

Summer:"Yeah I'm good just a little sick thats all!" She said yelling back.

Brian:"Can you come here real quick I need to talk to you."

Summer:"Yeah whats up." She said coming out of the bathroom.

Brian:"Are you pregnant?"

Summer:"What no I told you I'm just sick."

Brian:"So when you rushed past me those weren't pregnancy test in that bag that I saw?"

Summer:"What bag are you talking about."

Brian:"The one that you most likely hid in the damn bathroom I'm not stupid Summer." He said getting up and walking towards the bathroom.

Summer:"Okay okay you got me I'm sorry I went out and bought some because I think I'm pregnant."

Brian:"Not in this world you not cuz I know how to pull out."

Summer:"You sure about that."

Brian:"You damn right I'm fucking positive."

Summer:"Why don't you want a baby with me Brian?" She said putting her hands on her hips.

Brian:"I clearly have one already and I told you last year that I don't want another right now so why can't you get over it already."

Summer:"Because I want one and plus we will be getting married soon so whats the big deal."

Brian:"Look this conversation is over just go and take the damn test please."

Summer:"I most definitely will." She said with a smirk on her face.

~ 10 Minutes Later ~

Brian:"So what do they say?"

Summer:"All four of them are negative." She said upset.

Brian:"Thank God cuz I ain't ready for another one." He said under his breath.

Summer:"What the fuck did you say nigga!" She said opening the door."

Brian:"Nothing at all."

The House That Andre & Ashley Will Be Staying In Is In The MM. Hope You Guys Enjoy This Part 😉

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