Chapter 4

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Niall’s P.O.V

“Niall come on please” the nurse said to me as she grabbed me by the arm, pulling me away from my crying mother as she broke down, falling to the floor.

“Mumma!” I yelled as I was dragged away slowly, but I managed to break free and hurl myself back at my mum as I attempted to wrap my arms around her, I needed to comfort her, I needed her to know that everything was going to be ok. “It’s ok mum” I whispered into her ear as I hugged her tightly. “I’m gonna be fine, and I know you are also” I explained to her as I was once again pulled away from her and taken down the long white hall.

“I love you” she yelled to me as the doors slammed shut, cutting off my view of my emotional mother.

‘Look what you’ve gone and done now Niall, you’ve ruined everything’ I punched myself in the head with force; I’d do anything to rid the voices inside my head. ‘I’ll never leave you Niall, you should kill yourself this time, and you’re pathetic. End it all’ I slammed my hand into my head again, this time making the voice disappear for a little while.

“Please leave me alone” I whimpered quietly to myself as I was dragged down the long hall.

I didn’t wanna be here, I didn’t need to be here, I wasn’t deranged, I was just damaged goods that’s all. I wasn’t dangerous at all, fuck I was harmless.

“Mr Horan this is your room” the nurse said to me, I lifted my head slowly as I looked around; I was in room 101. “You’ll be sharing with a fellow patient, but don’t freak, he’s very kind” she added as she pushed the large white door open to reveal a small room. “Niall, I’d like you to meet Liam, he’s going to be your roommate while you’re here” she said as me walked over and gave me a smile.

The room had light wooden floors with a medium sized window on the wall which had soiled metal bars on the outside, white brick walls with a small caged light on the roof, on the left hand side of the room was a bunk bed, it looked like Liam used the bottom one, seeing that the top one was perfectly made. At the end of the beds, there was a small desk which had paper scattered across it with several pens lying around, most of them were on the wooden floor beneath the desk.

“Hi” I muttered quietly as the nurse nudged me forward a bit before pulling the door shut behind her. “I’m Niall” I added as I slightly smiled to him, trying to start a conversation.

“Yeah I figured that” he replied as he jumped down onto his bed, I could tell he didn’t want me here, he must have enjoyed having a room to himself or something like that, I know I would of anyway.

“I’m sorry for intruding” I whimpered as I slowly walked over to the desk before I pulled out the seat quickly and sat down. “I don’t mean to invade your personal space” I said to him as I looked around the room.

“Nah it’s not your fault, you didn’t choose to be stuck in here with me” he explained to me as he looked over at me. “Why are you in here?” he asked me with a somewhat curious tone to his voice.

“S-suicide attempt” I stuttered as I looked over at him, he now had this look in his eyes, the look that scared me. ‘He thinks your weak Niall, everyone thinks your weak’ the little voice laughed inside my head.

“Damn, I’ve been in here since I was at least 10” he said to me, his words made me snap my head up at him, since he was 10? Jesus, what the fuck did he do?

“Wow, what did you do?” I asked him, not that I was trying to be rude or anything like that, I was curious that’s all.

“I didn’t do anything, I’ve got psychosis” he explained to me, fucking hell, I’m locked in a room with a psychopath, I was only suicidal, why was the fuck was in this room with him? “Don’t worry, I’m not dangerous but the doctors and my family keep me here so I can be watched and looked after” he added, after he said that, I let out a long sigh.

That’s a relief; I wasn’t in the mood to be murdered in my sleep.

 “So what do you do around here for fun?” I asked as I approached the window and looked out into the large open courtyard which was surrounded by large barbwire fences. “Do you have a games room or something?” I asked as I looked down at Liam as he pushed himself up off the bed.

“A games room? Are you serious? This is a mental asylum, not a children’s hospital, only thing we can do is go outside or go watch TV, since your new, you’ve gotta go out and make some friends” Liam explained to me as he looked at me with a smirk across his lips. “You’re stuck here…enjoy yourself” he added before walking over to the door.

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