Chapter 24

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Niall’s P.O.V

My eyes snapped open to the touch of a cold soft surface, instantly I jerked my body away and rolled over several times before slamming up against the small wooden door which was keeping me trapped in here. I looked down and concentrated on the pale mass laying on the floor in front of me. I let out a gasp of shock when I figured out it was Louis. I wrapped my hand around his weak skinny arms and began to shake him frantically in order to awake him from his slumber. His skin was absolutely freezing and he was completely pale.

“Louis!” I exhaled as I looked down at him.

My head snapped up to the sound of singing which seemed to be coming from the bathroom upstairs.

“Girl I see it in your eyes you're disappointed

'Cause I'm the foolish one that you anointed with your heart

I tore it apart

And girl what a mess I made upon your innocence

And no woman in the world deserves this

But here I am, asking you for one more chance”

I looked down at Louis as Liam continued to sing to himself in the shower, I ever so slowly leant down and wrapped my warm naked body around Louis so I could share some body heat with him before he died right there and then. His body shivered to the touch of mine, a shiver that sent shivers up mine.

Liam’s P.O.V

I turned off the water before stepping out into the steam filled bathroom, I didn’t bother picking up a towel so instead I pulled open the door and strolled out into my bedroom before leaving and entering the hallway. The house was so quiet without Niall wondering around like a lost puppy. I began to walk down the stairs quickly due to the fact that my sexy little Nialler could be dead under there. I wrapped my hand around the small handle and ripped the door open.

“Haha would you look at this” I laughed to myself as the light from outside hit the naked boys who were curled up together shaking violently. “C’mon babe get outta there before you freeze to death” I added as I reached in and took Nialls hand in mine.

He whimpered as I yanked him away from Louis and dragged him out into the large empty room. His arm dropped to the floor as I released it from mine and went back to the cupboard.

“Niall babe go upstairs and get into bed, I’ve put the electric blanket on for you” I demanded as I looked over at him with a smirk across my lips. “I’ll bring Louis up in a sec” I added before pulling Louis out also and slamming the door shut.

I watched as Niall followed Louis and I up the steep staircase and back into the room, I directed Niall over to the bed before I put Louis down on my side and pulled the covers over his cold pale body.

“Please d-don’t hurt us anymore” I heard Niall mutter quietly. His tone in his voice sounded so weak and frightened.

“Niall baby I don’t want to hurt you…I want to hurt him” I said as I looked over at Louis who looked like he was stuck in a nightmare that he could not escape. I brought my hand up and cupped Louis cheek before pinching him slightly.

I quickly got dressed before I left the room quietly as Niall cuddled up to Louis who was still over the top pale. I locked the door with the small golden key that came with the house, I removed the key and dropped it into my pocket before walking away.

‘Why not kill them Liam?’ the voice said to me in a dark sinister voice which sounded ever so angry with me.

“I can’t…Niall is mine and he –“

‘Just one stab and it’s over’ it added.

“I can’t” I exclaimed as I looked around as tears formed up in my eyes. “I can’t kill him, he’s mine” I whispered to myself.

‘He loves Louis and only Louis’ the voice screamed this time. I didn’t know what to do in this situation. ‘Just rip Louis apart and Niall will never leave you’.

“He will! They all left me before” I yelled as I sat down on the floor and began to rock back and forth slowly. “They all left me” I whimpered as tears broke away and feel to the floor.

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