Chapter 32

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Liam's P.O.V

I decided to leave Louis with Niall after my little 'episode' before, I didn't want to be around Niall if I was going to be dangerous, but if I was around Louis I wouldn't give a single fuck at all, he deserves to die, he's ruining everything.

I entered the kitchen quickly in order to put some food together for Niall and I, pulling open the fridge I couldn't help but notice that several police cars had gone past in the corner of my eye, the kitchen window looked out in the direction of old Lady Millers house. If one of them were to find out that I was here they'd swarm the house and most likely kill me.

Niall's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open to meet complete darkness, I brought my hand up and placed I against my forehead which was throbbing violently, I reached down and grabbed onto what seemed to be a piece of wet towel which was over my eyes, pulling it off I saw Louis who was looking out the window.

“Louis” I whispered as I tried to get up, instantly he spun around and looked at me with a huge smile across his lips.

“Niall!” He half yelled before running over to me quickly. I grunted lightly as I was pulled into a tight hug. “I'm so glad you're ok” he added, his words were so soothing to me.

“Thanks” I whimpered as I was lifted off the floor by Louis. “What happened?” I asked curiously, my memory was a little fuzzy to honest.

“Liam knocked you out” Louis said quickly without hesitation. “He's fucked up dude!” Louis stated.

“I know he is” I replied as I looked over at him with a small smile planted across his lips.

“Then why don't you run away?” Louis questioned me.

I soon remembered what Liam said to me this one time.

'I'll kill Harry'.

“I want to, I really do but Liam threatened me and it struck me like a knife to the chest, he threatened to kill Harry” I explained to Louis as I looked away from him with tears in my eyes. “I don't want that to happen” I added.

For a second I could see sympathy in his eyes, did Liam threaten him like that to?

“Harry will be fine, Liam can't find him” Louis said to me with a smile across his face.

“Louis why do you care so much for me?” I asked, I needed to know, he cares about me more then he does himself.

“Because I don't want the same thing to happen to you” Louis said to me.

“But it already has!” I replied quickly. “He's already hurt me!” I yelled. “Look I-I'm sorry ok, I can't deal with this any more” I explained to Louis as I sat down on the floor in front of him. I looked up at him as he sat down on his knees with a sad look in his eyes. “I'm sorry for yelling at you” I whimpered as a tear broke away.

I closed my eyes as Louis' hand came up and brushed the tear away.

“It's ok Niall, I know you didn't mean to” Louis whispered to me. “I don't want to see you get hurt any more” he added.

“Thank you” I whispered, something then happened, something that wasn't expected.

Louis' hand came up and cupped my cheek, I slowly opened my eyes and saw Louis sitting there with a lonely look in his eyes. I took a deep breath before slowly leaning in and placing my lips against his. I noticed that Louis had also leaned in when I did. What did this mean? I suppose after all this time I began to grow feelings for my hero who was now leaning in closer while our lips were still locked.

But our kiss was broken to the sound of a gasp, we both looked up to the door and saw Liam standing there with nothing but pure anger in his eyes...

(A/N: Well it was about bloody time aye, that kiss has been waiting to happen for ages now).

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