Chapter 40

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Niall's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open to meet complete darkness, I gently lifted my head but still there was nothing around me at all. I heard the sound of chains hitting the floor which made my body tense up.

I started darting my head across the room as I heard heavy breathing coming from in front of me.

Was it Louis? It had to be, there wouldn't be anyone else down here, would there?

The room suddenly lit up to reveal nothing but a large concrete room with dirty bricked walls and a small window which looked out into the sky. My eyes widened with fear when Liam came out of nowhere and grabbed me by the hair and forced me to look directly at him.

“Morning baby” he muttered to me as he leant up and connected his lips with my neck before biting the skin harshly.

“Why the fuck am I tied up Liam?” I asked as I looked up and noticed that there were thick ropes tied around my wrists which were covered in duct tape and had a chain in between the middle of hands which were up around a wooden support beam.

“Well tell me why you aren't dead” Liam hissed at me.

“I thought I was your everything?” I questioned the man as he turned away from me before strolling across the room towards the door before turning back and facing me.

“I'm starting to think that you want to be with Louis and not me” Liam whispered to me as he looked around the basement of the house.

“You're wrong!” I quickly replied as I noticed the handle of the blade in his pocket.

“Louis was wrong to interfere with us” Liam stated quickly as he power-walked over to me with a smirk across his face. “And so was the other kid” he added.

“Other kid?” I questioned, I had no idea who he was talking about.

“Oh” Liam huffed as he walked across the room towards a large set of iron doors. He reached up and unlocked it before a young boy who looked no older then me fell forward and slammed into the floor with force with a large axe resting in his back. “That boy” Liam laughed. “I caught him roaming around outside”.

I wasn't surprised that he had killed him, I was sad but I wasn't surprised.

“Where is Louis?” I asked him quickly as I looked up from the body and locked eyes with Liam.

“Why the fuck do you care?” Liam asked me.

“Well he is my friend so I would like to know” I replied with a sarcastic tone to my voice.

Liam just smirked before grabbing my body and shifting me around so I could view the bloody mess behind me. I heaved violently as I tried to look away, was the Louis? It couldn't be.

There was a body laying on the floor with a sack over it's head and it's body turned away from me, it's back had been completely sliced open and there was blood everywhere.

“Take a look at your friend and what you did to him” Liam whispered into my ear as his hands began to explore my body.

“I fucking hate you!” I screamed in his face as I attempted to push him away.

He backed away before swinging his fist into my stomach which made me heave and cough violently. He repeated the punches for about 5 minutes before sending his fist into my cheek.

“You'll learn to respect me you stupid son of a bitch” I heard Liam say to me as he continued to beat the shit out of me right there.

“I loved you Liam” I muttered.

For a second I saw fear and compassion in his eyes which were quickly replaced with anger once more. He stopped quickly as we both heard a car door followed by talking...Harry?

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