Chapter 50

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Niall's P.O.V

I walked into the lounge room to see Louis standing there with a grin planted across his face, I couldn't help but smile in return as I walked past him and entered the kitchen. I pulled open the fridge door and removed two cans of Coke before turning around to meet a pair of soft lips.

I just smirked as Louis pulled away with a large smile planted across his pink lips.

“Seriously? My lips hurt that much from our little make out sesh this morning” I laughed as I handed him a can.

“Yeah seriously, I can't just ignore your swollen kissable lips Ni” Louis laughed to me.

We walked into the lounge room slowly before sitting down the lounge which was in front of the window, I sat next to him with my legs crossed and my head resting on his arm.

“What are we going to do today?” I asked as I glanced into his eyes.

“I was thinking that we could go over the ice-skating arena before we head off and watch a movie, how does that sound?” Louis asked me with a little giggle in his voice.

“It sounds absolutely perfect!” I replied before gently attaching my lips to his.

I finished tying my laces on my shoes before slowly sliding over towards the entrance of the ring, I was glad that there was hardly anyone else here, I hate it when people see me fail in public. If there was anyone else here then yeah, someone would of seen me fail in public. From the moment I got into the ring I lost my balance and fell straight back onto my ass which made me yelp out in pain.

“Awww did wee little Nialler fall over?” Louis sang as he flew past me and went out into the centre of the ring.

I just smiled before pushing myself back up off the cold surface, I pushed on and got over to Louis before he suddenly grabbed my hands and began spinning me around quickly. He was having the time of his life and frankly so was I.

We both then pushed away from each other and went spinning back incredibly fast before coming to a stop on out asses. I looked up and noticed that Louis was laughing like a little baby on the other side of the ring.

I pushed myself up and ever so slowly slid over towards him with a smile planted across my lips.

“That was fun” I laughed as I sat down beside him.

“You're telling me that” he whispered as he tried to regain his breath, he looked completely beat. We both looked up to the sound of light music playing around the arena, suddenly all the lights turned off so we weren't able to see a thing, but then a few spot lights came on and began spinning around the arena slowly. “I think we are supposed to dance” Louis said to me as he grabbed my hand and pulled me up. We slowly slid off towards the middle of the ring, as we came to a stop in the middle we ever so slowly began to spin around.

“Did you set this all up?” I asked as I looked into his eyes with a smile planted across my lips.

“I might of” he whispered to me.

I couldn't help but blush at the thought of my boyfriend putting all this together.

“Well, I actually had a little help” Louis admitted.

“Ah- thought so” I laughed.

“Look” he whispered as he directed my attention to the large stand which looked over the arena, I slowly turned around and looked up to see Harry and Zayn looking down at us with large smiles planted across there lips. “They made this happen” Louis explained. “But...there is one more thing” he said. “OK GUYS! NOW!” Louis yelled, and with those words the large back lighting lit up the wall to reveal large pink writing which looked like it had been painted there.

The words were stated as:

“I love you with all my heart, you were my savour and my protector. You are all I will ever need and you are all I ever need in this world, I love you Niall Horan, I want to spend the rest of my life with you…I love you more then anything”.

I felt my face light up to his words, I turned around slowly and looked into his gergous eyes before walking to him slowly with a smile planted across my lips. I took his hands in mine before gently leaning in and pressing my lips against his.

“I love you babe” I breathed out between kisses.

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