Chapter 12

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Niall’s P.O.V

I stood in the hot blistering shower staring down at the wet tiled floor, I was just thinking about everything really, Liam, mum,  Harry and poor Louis and about what Liam did to me. What was I supposed to do?

I smiled as the steam began to curl around my toes.

“Niall?” a timid weak voice called to me through the door of the bathroom.

“Louis?” I questioned before pulling the shower curtain across and looking out.

“C-can I come in?” he asked quietly, I slowly reached out and grabbed the door handle before turning it slowly. I retreated back into the shower as Louis walked in and closed it behind him so the steam wouldn’t escape the room. “Hi” he muttered as he sat down on the toilet lid and looked at me from across the room.

“Hey” I replied as I looked at him awkwardly seeing as I was naked.

“I’m s-sorry you had to witness that last night” he exclaimed to me before a tear broke away and ran down his cheek.

“No I’m sorry you had to go through it” I explained to him as I tried to reassure him I was there for him.

“I deserved it” he whispered as he looked up at me. “I was snooping around and he saw me and he punished me” Louis explained as his voice began to get louder with each breath.

My jaw dropped to his words.


“But I did Niall, I was spying on him basically and I shouldn’t have been” Louis stated as he began to cry harder.

“But it wasn’t your fault; you’ve got that impulse control disorder mate so you shouldn’t blame yourself” I reassured him as I reached over and grabbed the towel and put it around my waist before stepping out of the shower. I reached in and turned the water off before facing him once more.

“How is the cut on your back?” I asked curiously.

“Alright” he replied.

“Take off your shirt” I ordered as I grabbed a face washer and wet it in some hot water.

I placed the washer against the cut which made him jump slightly.

“It’s ok” I whispered as the hot water brought some blood to the surface before it mixed with the water and the bloody red water ran down his back.

“Why are you helping me?” he asked me with a curious tone to his voice.

“Because I’ve felt the pain that you have, I know what it’s like” I explained to him as I continued to clean the cuts. Liams name surely was engraved deeply in his skin, the cut was deep.

“How so?”  Louis questioned.

“I’ve been bullied to the point where I wanted to kill myself, I tried actually and I ended up here” my voice sounded croaky while spilling my past.

“You tried to kill yourself?” he asked me.

“Yep” I exclaimed as I removed the washer from his back and put it in the sink. “I think you’re going to need stiches to be honest, these are way too deep to heal on their own” I added. “Tell me how you got here” I said, my Irish accent sounding ever so strong.

“If you really want to know I was sent her years ago due to my disorder and um, I became roommates with Liam in room 101” he explained.

Room 101!? I stay in that room.

“He seemed so nice at first but then he ah well he forced himself down on me, like he did to you” Louis exclaimed as he looked back at me with tears in his eyes. “I put up with him for over 4 years until one day they moved me to my own separate room but Liam followed me one day and attacked me” he whispered.

“Attacked you?” I questioned, I knew exactly what he meant but I needed to know exactly what he did.

He didn’t respond at first, but instead he turned his body around fully and lifted his arms up to reveal ‘ugly, useless and mine’ carved into the skin just under his armpits. “He carved words into my skin, all these cuts are from him” Louis stated before turning back around and taking a seat so I was able to help clean his cuts once more.

“I-I’m so sorry Louis, I really am, someone should do something about him” I exclaimed.

“Believe me, if someone could do something they would of already, they can’t release him or risk moving him to another facility, they have no idea what he is”. Louis explained.

“What is he, what did he do?” I asked out of plain curiosity.

Louis’ eyes began to wonder to my words.

“He killed his family” he whispered to me as he looked around. “His mum, dad and even the 2 sisters” he added.

My jaw dropped.

“Holy fuck I’m roommates with a psychotic killer” I half yelled.

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