Chapter 48

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Niall's P.O.V

I glanced up when the classroom door was pulled open quickly, I instantly looked over at Louis when Sam walked in with a box in his hands, I smirked when I saw the large writing which was printed out across the side.


“Hey guys” Same spoke as he looked around at everyone. “It's that time of the year so it's time to put in your nominees for Prom” he said as he looked over at me and sent me a smile before looking back over at a group of students in the corner. “Mike here will hand you all a piece of paper and you all need to write down a couple that you want to win, seems pretty simple, yeah?” He said before his friend started handing out the pieces of paper.

“Prom?” Louis questioned me.

“You don't know what it is, do you?” I asked him as I frowned in confusion.

“I ah- I, no” he stuttered out in embarrassment.

“It's the end of school dance really for our year” I explained to him quickly. “Do you want to go?” I asked him as I watched Mike hand out the paper.

“Are you going?” Louis asked me.

I just sighed before looking him dead in the eyes.

“Of course I'm going!” I said a little loudly. “Ok, I'll play it like this” I breathed as I pushed myself up out of my chair before kneeling beside Louis who looked ever so confused. “Louis William Tomlinson, will you go to Prom with me?” I asked with a the best puppy eyes I could hurl at him.

His face lit up instantly and he pulled me up off the floor and brought me into a tight hug. “OF COURSE I WILL!” He yelled before kissing me on the cheek.

Yay! I've always wanted to go to Prom, and with someone I actually like instead of tagging on by myself. This was going to be fun.

But who was Harry going with?

“Harry?” I asked as I sat back down and turned my head to the left where I caught Harry looking down at the paper as he wrote his couple down.

“Harry?” I asked again, a little louder this time.

His head snapped up quickly before locking eyes with mine.

“Yeah mate?” He asked me with a look of confusion on his face.

“Who are you going to Prom with?” I stated as I crossed my arms over my chest.

He just shrugged quickly before picking up his paper and handed it to Mike as he brought the box around. “I don't know, I might go with Zayn. Just because he doesn't have a single friend here” Harry whispered to me so Zayn wouldn't hear him.

“That's nice of you Hazza” I replied before being handed a piece of paper quickly.

“Thank you” I smiled before looking over at Louis. “Lou, who should we write down?” I asked him with a look of confusion in my eyes. I really had no idea who to write down, I didn't know about any couples here.

“For what?” Lou exclaimed.

I just smiled before looking down at the paper.

“Don't worry babe” I whispered before writing down a couple, and by couple, I mean Louis and I.

“I just voted us to be Prom King and Queen” I said to him before giving the paper to Mike.

(A/N: Sorry it's so short guys, I just thought I should update anyway).

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