Chapter 53 - Prom Night: Part 2

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Niall’s P.O.V

It was now about 9:30 and Prom was still alive, everyone was dancing and having a good time. They were going to announce the Prom King and Queen in about half an hour so everyone was just enjoying the last few dances. It was sad actually knowing that I will not be seeing most of these people again, not that I liked them anyway but still.

I looked over and saw Ms Collins dancing in the middle of a large circle which was created entirely of teachers, the principal was there with his wife having a lovely time and so were most of the other teachers.

“Louis?” I said randomly.

He turned his head to me and sent me a small smile. “Yeah, babe?” He questioned.

“What’s going to happen after all this? I mean, what happens to us?” I asked him as I sat back in my chair which was incredibly uncomfortable. “Are we going to stay together?”

“Yeah, yeah I think we are, why? Don’t you w-want to?” Louis stuttered as he began to panic.

“NO! Louis I want to be with you, I mean, are we going to stay here or leave?” I asked as I took his hand in mine.

“I want to maybe leave, not go too far, we don’t want to travel for hours just to see your mum” Louis stated. “But, I also want you to leave so you can just forget about this place” he added.

“I want to, believe me I really do” I spoke as I shifted in my seat. I brought my hand up and ran it threw my hair once before scratching the back of my neck. “Where will we go?” I asked as Louis took a sip of his drink.

“I want you to decide that” I whispered to him as I looked over at the stage and saw the principal and the class president climbing the staircase which went up to the stage, Norma was the class president since the start of the year, she had straight A’s and was basically perfect.

“Can I have your attention please?” Norma called out into the microphone, nobody seemed to listen to her, and she just smiled once more. “Can I have your att- principal can you please?” Norma said as she stepped away from the microphone quickly.

He just smiled before leaning down to it. “QUIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!” His voice boomed around the hall making everyone instantly shut up and turn to the stage. “Here you go Norma” he then casually said before stepping aside from the microphone.

“Thank you sir. Well, what a year it’s been” Norma spoke into the microphone with a smile planted across her lips.

“New York city” Louis muttered into my ear.

“Y-you wanna go to New York?” I asked him as I looked back at him with a smile planted across my face and happiness in my eyes.

“I do, it’s always been my dream” Louis said as he looked down. “Ever since I was a little boy I’ve dreamt of going to the Big Apple” he added.

“Well, then I guess me and you are off to the Big Apple” I whispered to him.

“And it’s fantastic to see that one of our fellow students has returned, Mr Niall Horan” Norma sung into the microphone, I smiled before giving her a slight wave. “It’s good to see you again” she called out to me.

“Likewise Norma!” I called back as I sent her a smile.

“And now, it’s time to reveal this years Prom King and Queen of 2014!” Norma cheered out. “Ok, so our Prom King and Queen is- oh, principal there seems to be a little mix up”. Norma said before quickly smiling at everyone before rushing over to the principal with the ballet sheet in her hands.

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