Chapter 51

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(A/N: Howdy people, well here it is, one of the final chapters of Room 101. I’ve enjoyed writing this so much, this book literally consumed my life and all I ever did was write this. I’m actually sad but also happy that it’s ending, it’s time to work on some more stuff, don’t you agree? Now, I know what you’re all thinking, it’s boring at the moment and I agree with you, you see there has been someone who suddenly dropped from the book at that somebody is Liam. Yes, he will be returning in the final chapters to spread some more havoc, now the real question. Will Niall survive this? You never know, but make sure you read on to find out. Remember to vote, comment and share! That would make my day, thanks. I love you all, haha. Also, has anyone seen the new Carrie film? This will have a few similarities).

Niall’s P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open slowly, I glanced over and noticed that it was only 7:30 in the morning, my head was throbbing due to the stressful night I had, you see, tonight is Prom and that means that everyone runs around stressing out about what to wear. But instead I spent the entire night thinking of how I’m going to be explaining how I’m going to Prom to my mother. She never really wanted me to go, she’s been saying that since I got into highschool after she stopped home-schooling me.

I was going to wear something simple, a basic white suit with a red tie, while Louis was going to be wearing a tuxedo.

I remember when I first asked him to go with me, he wouldn’t stop going on about it, even though he hardly knew what Prom was.

“Niall honey it’s time to get up” my mother called out as she knocked on my door.

“Ok” I replied as my head sank into the white pillow.

After another 5 minutes of staying in bed I decided that to get out of the warm heaven that was my bed, I pulled my grey tracksuit pants up before grabbing my white shirt off the floor, I managed to get it on before I got out into the hallway.

I closed my door behind me and looked down the hall to see Louis who was only wearing a pair of blue boxer briefs and a white pair of socks. I couldn’t help but smirk at him as he glanced at me.

“Well this ah- this is awkward” Louis sighed as he scratched the back of his neck.

“I’ve seen you naked before so really this is nothing” I quickly replied as I walked down the hall towards him.

“Yeah- but I’ve been locked out of my room” he said as he blushed.

“Naw!” I laughed as I gave the door handle a little forceful push before it gradually opened. “It just needs a good. Strong. Tug” I whispered into his ear. I felt him shiver to my touch before I pushed away from him and strolled down stairs.

“Hey mum” I exhaled as I walked past her in the downstairs hallway.

“Morning sweetie” she pulled me in closer and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I just smiled before heading off down the hall once more, only to be stopped by her once more. “Prom is tonight, any plans?” She asked me.

Oh shit fuck crap! What the hell am I supposed to say?

“Ah yeah- Louis and I are going to Prom” I said.

I looked into her eyes and saw nothing but rage. “Honey, I thought I told you that you won’t be attending Prom?” My mother said as she put the handful of washing down on the floor beside her.

“Well Louis and I decided to go” I quickly said before walking into the kitchen.

“Louis can go if he wishes but I don’t want you going” she hissed.

I turned around and looked at her with an annoyed expression planted across my face. “Mum, I’m growing up, it’s time for me to start living my own life” I explained to her. “Louis has been dying to go to this and frankly so have I” I added.

“But what if they all la-“

“Mumma I don’t want to hear you say it, they aren’t going to laugh, not anymore!” I almost yelled at her. “Things are different now” I added, this time whispering to her. “I don’t care what you say but we’re going, and you can’t stop us” I huffed before leaving the room quickly.

“Niall please!” I heard her beg as I got further away.

“No mum! I need this, and so does Louis” I yelled before reaching the stairs. I looked up and saw Louis standing at the top looking down at me with a concerned look planted across his face.

“Is everything ok?” His voice sounded a little frightened.

“Yeah, yeah of course everything is. We’re going out for breakfast” I simply said before trailing up the steps and heading off to my room.

“Should we invite Harry and Zayn?” Louis quickly asked me from down the hall.

“Yeah, give em’ a call, yeah?” I said before disappearing into my room once more in order to get changed.

I walked out of my room quickly to see Louis leaning against the wall with his phone out. He was wearing a long sleeved black shirt with dark blue jeans and black boots, while I was wearing a short sleeved grey shirt with black skinny jeans, my hair was styled in its typical Quiff while Louis’ was brushed to the side.

I smiled at him before we went down the stairs before approaching the front door, I wrapped my hand around the handle before pulling it open to meet Harry and Zayn.

“Morning lads” Louis said as he closed the door behind us.

“Morning, you guys all good to go?” Harry asked. We all nodded before Harry jumped up and down excitedly. “Great! I can finally drive my new car!” He chanted.

“New car?” I questioned as I glared over at his driveway to see a new Black Range Rover with black tinted windows. “Ah, that new car” I said as we all started walking towards it.

“Scratch it, slam the door, bump it on anything and I swear to god…I’ll kill you” Harry laughed as he opened the driver’s side door, he pulled himself up.

“I call shotgun!” I yelled out as I ran over the car, I looked over at Louis and sent him a little smile. “Sorry babe, can you handle being without me for 10 minutes?” I laughed as I pulled open the door.

Louis just smirked before slapping me on the ass. “Of course I can, but I know there is something else here that YOU can’t live without” he laughed before getting in.

Oh that little prick!

“So where are we going?” Zayn asked from behind us, I looked back at him and then at Harry.

“Well I was thinking maybe…Nandos?” Harry said as he looked directly at me.

“HOLY FUCK YES!” I yelled as I bounced in my seat.

“Well, Nandos it is then” Louis stated from the seat behind me.

(A/N: I’m now starting to get sad just thinking about this, this book is going to be ending real soon and it hasn’t even reached 10,000 reads…can I ask all of you to help me reach that goal? That would be so awesome if you did).

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