Chapter 7

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Harry’s P.O.V

I sat there with Niall for almost an hour trying to comfort him but it wasn’t any good, he didn’t stop crying. I knew he was afraid of everything that was to come, to be honest so was I, well I was afraid for him and for what was to happen to him.

“It’s ok” I whispered to him as his hand took in a handful of the sleeve of my shirt. “It’s going to be ok Niall” I added as I looked down into his watery blue eyes.

But was he going to be ok? Man I wasn’t too sure anymore.

“Is it Harry? How are you so sure?” Niall asked me as he looked down the long white hall as a few patients and nurses moved from room to room to check up on everyone.

I frowned as I looked away. “I just know it will be Niall, you’ve got to trust me on that” I explained to him as I ever so slowly pulled him up off the tiled floor.

“I want to I really do” he whispered quietly to himself but just loud enough for me to hear.

“Come on, let’s get outta here” I instructed as I led him down to the hall to the family recreational facility. His mother had called up before and got us our own separate room so it was just me and him. “Oh I brought you something” I smiled as I unzipped my backpack and reached in.

“Holy shit Harry no way” he yelled as I pulled out his PlayStation. “Oh my god thank you” he added before pulling me into a tight hug.

“Haha you’re welcome, I thought we could play a few games and watch some movies and have a few drinks, fizzy drinks of course” I laughed as I handed him the console before pulling out a few medium sized bottles of fizzy drink. “I got your favourite food also, Nando’s” I added as I pulled out a small plastic bag which had a meal in a plastic container in it.

“Oh my god thank you so much Harry” he yelled as he smelt the food before putting it down on the side table which was beside the small red lounge.

The family room was better than the other rooms though it didn’t have any windows but it did have a TV and good sized bed, but I’ll be taking the lounge while Niall has the bed. The floors were grey and soft to the touch and the walls were smooth oak with a slight tint.

“Well are you going to introduce me to your roommate?” I asked as I turned around and faced Niall with a smile across my lips.

I watched as Niall went from happy to sad within seconds. “D-do I have t-to?” he stuttered as he looked around quickly.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to Niall, I was just asking you but at least tell me his name” I stated as I locked eyes with the frightened blonde.

“Good because I don’t think you would like him and he’s named Liam, Liam Payne” he explained to me, I noticed a change in his voice as he stated his name ‘Liam Payne’.

Niall’s P.O.V

“So do you want to go look outside maybe?” I asked as I went over to the door and pulled it open but only to be stopped by none other than Liam himself.

“Good morning Niall” he said cheerfully as he locked eyes with me before sending me a devilish smirk.

“H-hi Liam” I stuttered as I looked back at Harry with nothing but fear in my eyes.

“What are you doing?” he asked with a now blank expression across his face.

“N-nothing” I whimpered to him as he took a step forward which made me back away slightly.

“Oh so you’re Liam? It’s great to meet you” Harry sang as he went past me and stood in front of Liam with a smile on across his face. He then reached out and shook his hand firmly.

“Oh yes I’m Liam, I’m Nialls roommate actually” he replied as he sent me a smile.

“Well Niall was about to show me outside so we should be going” Harry said as he looked at me before slipping past Liam and going out into the hallway. “Coming Niall?” he asked me as he continued walking.

As I took a step forward to go Liam placed his arm out in front of me before pressing me up against the cold wall quickly with a devilish smile across his face. He quickly looked back and saw that Harry wasn’t near before looking back and locking eyes with mine. “If you tell him anything” he said as he quickly leant forward and slowly trailed his tongue up my neck and up to my ear. “I’ll kill Harry before I kill you, got it” he whispered harshly into my ear with sent shivers down my spine.

“Y-yes I got it please just let me go” I whimpered as his other hand slowly trailed down towards my jeans. “Please Liam no” I cried as his hand undone the top button, suddenly his hand slipped into my jeans quickly which sent tears down my cheeks. I felt a rush of adrenaline come over me and suddenly I slammed my fist into his jaw which sent him back.

“You stupid little fucker” he whispered as he closed his fists before walking towards me with nothing but pure evil in his eyes.

“N-no, no Liam please I’m sorry I didn’t mean too” I quickly cried as I got ready to be bashed. “Please don’t hurt me” I whimpered as tears ran down my cheeks.

“Listen to me you fucking bitch, you’re going to get it you hear me? When Harry goes, I’m going to fucking pound the shit out of you” he whispered into my ear before leaving the room quickly.

I looked around before pulling my knees closer to me. “Mumma help me” I whispered as I tried to steady my breathing, but I couldn’t. “Harry” I chocked as I pulled myself over to the door slowly. “Harry help” I tried calling out as I cried even harder to myself.

‘You’ve failed Niall, I hope you see that. You’ve ruined your entire life because of your actions and by being born of course. Kill yourself…NOW!’ I brought my fist up and slapped myself in the head before slowly calming down, I needed to get out of here now.

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