Chapter 17

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Niall’s P.O.V

“Liam, can you please untie me now?” I asked him with a saddened tone to my voice. He glared over me as he removed his shoes and chucked them into the corner of the room quickly. “Liam?” I asked once more before a slight breeze came from under the wooden door and swept across my naked pale body.

“No” Liam said with a weak voice before removing his jeans so he was just in his black boxer briefs.

Oh my god what the hell is he doing?! He isn’t going to rape me again is he?

“But Liam it’s hurting me” I faked sobbed in order to see how far I could get with him.

“Does it look like I care Niall!” Liam hissed as he then dropped his boxers so he was completely naked in front of me. “Now it’s time to get some sleep” he smirked before slowly walking towards me. He pinned me down and slowly lowered his body so he was lying on top of me with his head against my chest. He reached down and grabbed the red blanket which was at the end of the bed and brought it up and covered us both.

“Liam please it hurts” I meant it this time, the rope was beginning to burn to the touch.

“Shut…up” Liam hissed.

“P-please it’s hurting me!” I screamed loudly which truly got his attention.

Liam shot up and locked eyes with mine. “Is it really?” he asked me with a soft reassuring tone to his voice. He rolled off me and pushed me over onto my stomach so my hands were facing him. “Niall these are digging into your skin” Liam explained.

“Please take them off, I won’t go anywhere I promise” I begged him.

“If you do” he whispered as he slowly ran his tongue down the centre of my back and went towards my ass. “I’ll rip you apart” he added.

“I promise I won’t” I sobbed, I let out a sigh of relief as I felt the ropes slide of my wrists. I instantly brought them up and held my hands up against my chest while Liam went down and removed the rope from my legs which had small cuts running up and down them. “Can I please put some clothes on?” I asked cautiously.

Liam sighed. “Of course you can’t” he laughed before he began to rub small circles on my lower back. “I don’t really want you to be wearing clothes” he giggled as he slid up my body and laid himself down on top of me once more.

“So you want me naked all the time?” I asked as I felt his semi hard member pressing up against my lower back.

“All the time, well not tomorrow, if we get pulled over I don’t want you to be naked in front of a cop” Liam laughed.

“What do you mean? Where are we going to be going?” I asked him as a tear formed up in my right eye.

Where was Liam taking me? I just want to go home.

“Oh tomorrow we’ll be heading up to my family’s cabin and we’ll be staying up there for a while” Liam explained to me, ah now I get it, this was his version of a perfect life with the perfect lover, but I wasn’t in the mood to be his perfect little lover. He didn’t own me. “I wish you could meet my family, they would of truly adored you, but –“

“BUT YOU KILLED THEM!” I cut him off, he went to slap me but I flinched to his movements. “I’m sorry I’m sorry please don’t hit me” I quickly whispered to him.

“Yes Niall, I killed them” he muttered into my ear. “I murdered them all ever so slowly and I fucking loved it, that’s not the last of it, what I did after felt amazing” he hissed into my ear.

“Please I don’t wanna know” I exclaimed to him as I turned away and looked around the room.

“You’ll find out eventually anyway, now shut up and go to sleep” Liam laughed before he pushed me down into the mattress; he dropped down onto my back so I was unable to move. “I love you Niall” he whispered to me.

‘You’re going to die little Niall, and you’ll deserve it. You fucked up your life big time and now you’re stuck with Liam and he’ll never let you go’ the little voice abused me, why was my life so fucked up now? Why couldn’t I just be normal like everyone else, if Liam is going to brand me or kill me, can’t he just hurry up and finish the job then?

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