Chapter 45

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Niall's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered to open to be bashed my warm beams of light coming from the bedroom window, looking down I saw that Louis was snuggled to my chest with his hand cupped in mine. I also noticed that we were both completely naked and laying under just a white sheet which was damp, I still could taste the contents that Louis shared with me last night, my life seemed ever so perfect. But there was one thing that was missing, Liam.

I know it sounds stupid but I would like to go see him in the mental hospital once more just to see if he was alright, but then again I knew I shouldn't. Mum and Louis don't want me to so I won't go, I don't want to upset them.

I broke my hand away from Louis' and from the instant I did I felt horrible, I mean sure I needed to get dressed but I also wanted to stay in bed with him all day, but I had planed to go to out for lunch towards with Harry, Louis and Zayn. I was looking forward to getting back to normal, and the day after tomorrow I was going to be going back to school, Louis and Zayn had been enrolled into all my classes and Harry had switched also so we were all together.

I strolled over to the spare bathroom that we had built into the room when my brother was living with us, I pushed the door open and walked in a little and left the door open just a few inches just in case Louis awoke to find me missing.

I reached in and turned on the shower, instantly being blasted by a hot stream of water which felt horrid to the touch. My body was still weak from the hardcore sex that Louis and I last night and I needed something to calm me down, and a hot stream of water surely wasn't going to do it.

I turned on the cold water and waited for the water to change so I was able to stand in there without crying out in pain, after several moments I stepped in quickly and let the water rush over my body which was slowly getting back to normal.

As I went to pull the slider door closed, a muscular arm stopped it by pushing it back open, I gasped quickly before realising it was none other then Louis who still was completely naked, and man that bed hair was to die for.

“Morning babe” I smiled before leaning in and kissing him gently before pulling him in completely before I quickly closed the door behind him.

“Hmmm babe? I like the sounds of that” he playfully smirked as he ran his hands down my warm chest before rubbing light circles around my bellybutton.

I smirked before I brought my arms up and wrapped them around his neck before stepping closer to him and placing my forehead against his bare chest.

“I love you” I whispered to him.

“I love you to” he replied to me with a large smile planted out across his face.

Harry's P.O.V

“Oh my god where are they?” I asked Zayn beginning to get irritated with waiting for them both.

Zayn just smirked before giving me a gentle nudge. “Why are stressing out so much?” He asked me before leading more over towards the table, I pulled out the chairs before sitting down and pulling it back in so my elbows were resting against the flat surface.

“Well first of all, I'm hungry as fuck and secondly I'm so cautious now that Niall is back, I don't want him getting hurt any more” I whispered to Zayn who was taking a sip of his glass of water.

“But he won't though. He's home and he's with LOUIS!” Zayn yelled as he peered over my shoulder to see Niall and Louis walking towards us with there hands locked with each others.

I turned around and sent them both a large smile before they sat down opposite Zayn and I.

“Morning guys” Niall chanted happily.

“Morning mate” I replied with a smile on my face.

After about 5 minutes of talking we decided to finally order, as always, Niall got a large meal which would of surely filled him up, but of course I didn't because after our meal he was suddenly talking about going with Louis to get ice-cream from the shop across the street. I watched as he and Louis skipped across the street with there hands still locked.

Man I have to admit that they looked really cute together.

To Niall -

I better get going home, mum wants me there for tea tonight, Harry x

To Harry -

I'll cya around buddy :)

Louis' P.O.V

I watched as Niall pointed out what flavour he wanted to the sassy young blonde who was working behind the counter. I couldn't take my eyes off his god like perfection, he looked so damn cute. His hair was all scruffy like when he was first brought to the hospital.

“Thank you” Niall thanked her before we made our way out into the street.

“Hey Niall?” I asked as I looked over at him.

“What's up?” He smiled at me.

I took a deep breath before leaning in and kissing him gently on the cheek. “I love you” I said quickly.

His face lit up to those words and he leant in and kissed me back with lust filled eyes. “I love you to babe” he replied before nudging his ice-cream towards me, I smiled before taking a small bite out of it, I looked down at the bite mark and noticed that it looked like a small heart.

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