Chapter 41

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Liam's P.O.V

My body slowly turned around and faced the stairs which went up from the basement. I knew that Harry had finally found us and was here to collect Niall.

“Harry” I heard Niall whimper as I turned to him slowly.

“Now is this going to work? I should kill him but I want to give you a chance to make things right” I whispered to the Irish boy as I looked down at the knife in my hand. “What do you think?” I asked him with a smirk across my face.

“I think you're fucked in the head!” He screamed at me.

I couldn't help but smirk at his words, did he really think that of me? He couldn't of, he was my everything. But he was beginning to slip away.

“Hello?” I assumed it to be Harry knocking on the front door.

“HELP HARRY I'M IN HERE!” Niall screamed as loud as he could as he started kicking his legs violently.

“Shut the fuck up” I hissed as I walked over to him and placed the blade against his throat. “If you want your little boyfriend to live faggot then I suggest you do what I want” I added before pushing down a little.

“Fun fact Liam! You stand there calling me a faggot when you fucked me!” Niall replied to me. “So whose the faggot now” he spat at me.

“You fagg-” my head snapped up to the sound of the front door slamming shut, was Harry inside? He can't be.

Harry's P.O.V

The door slammed shut behind us as we walked into the large dark room which had a thick layer of webs hanging from the ceiling. The chandelier hanging from the roof was gradually rocking back and forth, I looked over at Zayn who was peeking into other rooms. My eyes became fixed on what seemed to be a small broom closet.

“Zayn” I whispered as I looked back at him. “What do you think is behind there?” I asked him as we approached the door slowly with our arms out. I watched as Zayn wrapped his hand around the handle before quickly pulling it open to reveal a small dark room that seemed to be empty.

“Thank god” I muttered to myself as I slowly began to climb the steep stairs slowly as Zayn walked around the downstairs area slowly.

I stopped at the top of the stairs and almost fell back in shock when a large rat skipped out across the hallway and vanished off into a small hole in the wall.

There were several doors scattered down the hall, and I was going to search each one in order to find Niall and stop Liam but I couldn't seem to find anything, this house was empty and it was obvious that no one had been here recently, well that's what I was thinking until I saw a candle that looked like the flame had just been put out.

“Zayn?” I called out as I looked back down the hallway. “Zayn are you there?” I called out again but instead of him replying to me, I just heard what seemed to be scuffling coming from downstairs which was then followed by the sound of a door slamming shut violently. “Z-Zayn are you ok?” I asked as I slowly approached the staircase. I couldn't seen anybody at the bottom when I approached, instead there was a large door which looked like it was designed to be hidden from everyone else which was left open slightly.

Maybe Zayn made his way down into the room without telling me or something.

I reached the bottom of the stairs before approaching the small space in-between the door and the wall, I curled my fingers into the space and pulled the door open to reveal nothing but a steep flight of old wooden steps. I couldn't see anyone or hear a thing, so I built up the courage and strolled down with my arms out to feel anything around me. I then reached into my pocket before pulling out my phone and using the screen as a light.

“Z-Zayn?” I stuttered as I moved the light around so I could see where I was. But my body naturally froze to the sound of chains rattling somewhere in the room. “Z-Zayn is that you?” I asked.

I heard a faint intake of breath which naturally caused me to turn around slowly, but as I did something slammed into me which knocked me down to the floor with force before my phone was sent sliding across the room with the screen facing up so there was a sauce of light.

I grunted as I slowly pushed myself up off the floor, but I froze with fear as I heard footsteps approaching me.

“Please don't hurt me” I cried out as a white pale face came into view due to the light from the phone. I looked up into those evil anger filled brown eyes and knew that it was Liam. He was looking down at me with this smirk planted across his face, a smirk that was frighten anyone. “Liam?” I questioned as he stood there looking down into my eyes, his gaze burning into my skull.

As he took a step forward he was suddenly swept off his feet and slammed into the floor by none other then Zayn who was ready to take him on, but I didn't want him too. I didn't want anyone else to get hurt.

“You little bitch!” Liam screeched as he pushed himself back up and approached Zayn with his fist closed and anger in his eyes. As Liam's fist connected with Zayn's jaw I heard faint sobbing coming from behind them.

“P-please stop-stop fighting Liam. I'm sorry I disobeyed you” Niall whimpered as Zayn was chucked into the floor with force. “I'm sorry Harry” he cried out. “I'm so sorry Louis” this time he full on broke down and began to cry.

“Niall” I whispered as I pushed myself up and quickly grabbed my phone off the ground and used the light in order to find everyone in the room. I aimed over and saw Liam standing there with a blade resting in his palms, then over at Zayn who looked more then pissed off and then up at Niall who was looking down and hanging from the room. “NIALL!” I screamed as I took off over to him and wrapped my arms around me and looked up into his sad face.

“Harry...” he whispered to me as he gently lifted his head and looked into my eyes. “Please leave now” he said to me.

“No! NO! I won't leave you here” I exclaimed to him.

“If you want to help me...then you'll leave me and get out of here before something happens” he quickly snapped. “Please do it for me” Niall cried.

(A/N: It makes me more then sad to say this but this book is coming to an end, I have an ending planned out and it's going to rock, and I just have to say it now. Liam didn't kill Louis, it was a plan to make Niall stay. I've had so much fun writing this fan fiction and I'm proud to say that I have another Niam fan fiction on the way. It's called A Life Without You, yes, it's a romance. But anyway, thank you all for reading. It means soo much to me).

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