Chapter 8

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Harry’s P.O.V

I walked back into the room and found Niall on the floor crying violently.

“Niall?” I asked as I knelt down and placed my hand on his back “Niall what’s wrong?” I asked him as he slowly turned around and locked eyes with mine. “What happened?” I asked as my eyes wondered down to his undone jeans.

“H-Harry” he stuttered as more tears ran down his cheeks. “Help me” he whispered as he looked down at his jeans also.

“Why are you pants undone?” I asked him with concern as I locked eyes with him by forcing him to look at me. But I suddenly knew by the look he gave me. “It was Liam wasn’t it?” I asked as I felt nothing but anger come over me.

Niall looked away as tears continued to stream down his face. “Y-yes” he whispered as I pulled him into a tight hug. “He r-raped me H-Harry” he added, his words sent me into tears right there with him.

Liam’s P.O.V

That little fuck! I knew he would tell Harry I just knew it! Little did they know I came back and listened to their entire conversation.

He’s going to pay; I hope he knows that now.

“It’s going to be alright Niall, we’ll get him for it” I heard Harry speak as I leaned in a little closer to the door so I could hear them.

Ha we’ll see Harry, you can try and get me but I’ll do what I did to the others…I’ll ruin your entire pathetic life trust me, I will.

As I turned around I locked eyes with Louis who had a smirk across his face.

“Louis what have I told you about listening in on my business?” I said as I took a step towards him with a devilish smile across my face. I watched as he then lowered his head as I approached him. “Come on Louis let’s go” I whispered before I grabbed him by the hair and yanked him away from the door and took him down the hall towards his room.

“Liam please don’t” he began to cry as I pushed the door open and chucked him in before he hit the floor and yelped with pain.

“Too late, I told you to stay out of my shit” I hissed as I kicked him harshly in the side which made him whimper in pain. “You stupid little freak” I yelled as I kicked him once more with force. “Stop crying it’s only going to make it worse” I added as I backed away from him as he slowly curled up into a ball.

“P-please Liam d-don’t” Louis whimpered to me.

“Strip” I yelled at him as I forced him up.

“W-what –“

“STRIP!” I screamed at him as I grabbed his shirt and yanked him forward, almost ripping it. “Now” I whispered into his ear as I pushed his hands down to his shirt.

I then backed away as I watched him ever so slowly remove his shirt before chucking it to the floor.

“Haha good boy” I laughed as he looked around with tears in his eyes. “Now your pants Louis” I watched as he reached down and undone his belt before I quickly snatched it away from him. As he flinched due to my movements, I swung the belt out and slapped him in the cheek with it quickly. “Take. Off. Your. Pants” I growled as he followed my orders.

I watched as he dropped his light blue jeans to the floor before stepping out of them slowly. “Now your underwear” I added, and he followed, he stripped fully, now comes the fun part.

I walked over to the closet door which had nothing inside; instead it was just a small dark, cold room. I hurled myself at him and grabbed him before chucking him inside quickly. As he hit the wall with force, I slammed the door shut before turning over the lock.

“Liam!” he screamed as he hit his fists up against the door with force. “Liam please let me out” he screamed as he continued to cry violently.

“If you keep crying Louis I won’t let you out until Thursday, I don’t think you’ll be able to make it, after all it is only Monday” I hissed threw the door. “Sleep tight kiddo” I added before leaving the room once more.

‘Now Liam go deal with the real problem, Harry and Niall’ my mind told me as I strolled down the hall quickly away from his room.

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