Chapter 43

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Niall's P.O.V

I watched as the doors open slowly to reveal my mother and a handful of police officers and paramedics, her face instantly lit up when she saw me and she dropped her handbag and suit case before running towards me with her arms out, Louis released my hand and I took off to her, from the instant our bodies connected we fell to the floor with tears streaming down our faces with happiness and also sadness.

I continued to hold my mum close as she cried into my chest, I turned my head and looked over at Harry, Zayn and Louis who were smiling at me with faint tears in there eyes.

I smiled back at them before mouthing “thank you” to them all.

I watched as the officers approached us with large smiles planted across there lips.

“Madam he needs to be tended to now” one of the paramedics whispered to my mother who was caught up in the moment.

I chuckled lightly “mum I need to go get checked over now” I whispered to her, she sighed before slowly pulling away. “I'll be right back” I explained to her.

I stood up with the help from the nurse, but as I stood up I glanced over at Louis. “Can Louis come to please? He needs to be looked over also” I asked, she just simply smiled and nodded. “Louis c'mon” I called out and he instantly ran after me and grabbed my hand.

When his hand hooked with mine I felt so happy and loved, was Louis really the one? Sure he was, he saved me from myself in a way and I never got to thank him properly. I'll get a chance to.

“Ok boys wait here, we'll go get the showers ready and then we'll get you some X-Rays” the nurse said to us, I sent her a smile and watched as she vanished into a large room which had a few doctors in it. From the instant the door shut I slammed my lips up against Louis'. It felt amazing to be with him again. I slowly opened my eyes when I felt a tear hit my cheek, pulling away I brought my arm up and wiped the tear away.

“What's wrong?” I questioned him.

“I'm just- I'm just happy that we got out” Louis whispered to me before pulling me back to his lips. “I never wanted you to get hurt” he muttered as he pulled away quickly. “I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you did” he exclaimed.

His words were so sweet and calm, he was everything I ever wanted.

“Thank you so much” I whispered as I felt tears escaping from my eyes. “You saved my life and...I- I love you Louis” I exclaimed to him.

His face lit up to my words, I could tell I had just made his day, make that his life actually.

“I love you to!” He called out before slamming his lips against mine quickly.

The hot blistering water hit my body like a wave of knives, it was painful at first but my body eventually adapted to it. I lowered my head and watched as the brown dirt stains broke away from my body and escaped with the water that was running along the tiled floor and down a small drain which had a metal guard over it. I looked back up and saw Louis across the way who was getting blasted with hot water just like me, he looked like he was in more pain then I was.

He had large blood stains covering his body along with dirt stains so it would take longer to remove the stains.

After I had finished my shower I had my cuts tended to, I had a few needles but they were nothing, I needed stitches on my lower leg which was nothing. I had my hair washed which felt awesome, my hair was filled with dirt so to now see it to be blonde once more was awesome.

“This way Mr Horan, we're going to give you some X-Rays now to make sure that your fine and nothing is damaged” the nurse happily said to me before helping me up off the bed slowly so I didn't hurt myself. I winced in pain due to my back which was a little saw, I slowly left the room and saw Louis, Harry, Zayn and my mum standing down the hallway waiting for me.

There faces lit up when they saw me, Louis looked so happy.

Man I wanted him now, I needed him in my life!

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