Chapter 44

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Niall's P.O.V

It had been about a week since I had been released from hospital. Louis was staying with me after I convinced the officers that Louis was a life saver and not a mental patient so they released him and his family didn't want him back after he was believe to be in a relationship with me so they disowned him, he was with me but that doesn't mean that he should have been given away like that. Not that anyone deserves to be given away though.

I laid there looking up at the roof, I still couldn't sleep. Harry and Zayn would occasionally drop in to check on me which was nice of them but all I wanted was Louis to be here with me, mum wouldn't allow him to stay in here with me though, she just considered us 2 hormonal teenagers.

I pushed the covers back quickly before jumping out of bed, I tried not to make much noise in case I woke my mother, she has been so stressed out so she needed to sleep, just like I needed my Louis. I picked up my tracksuit pants and put them on before putting on my bright green hoodie.

I walked over to the door slowly before opening it as quickly as I could to avoid the squeak which still hadn't faded.

I pocked my head out into the hall and saw a light glow coming from down stairs, mum must of left the lounge room light on in case one of us needed to go down and use the bathroom seeing as the one up here would wake everyone up. I strolled down the hallway before quickly sliding down the railings to avoid the sound of my heavy feet on the wooden steps.

I reached the bottom quickly and slowly made my way into the lounge room where I found none other then Harry sleeping on the lounge with the TV still going on cartoon network.

“Oh Haz” I whispered to myself before quickly grabbing a blanket and covering his cold body. His hands instantly grabbed the blanket and pulled it closer to his body so he could get warmer. “You should be at home resting in your own bed” I added before stepping over to the kitchen. I flicked on the light and approached the fridge. I reached out and pulled it open slowly before reaching in and removing 2 cans ok coke, one for me and one for Louis. I knew he would be awake at this time, he doesn't seem to get much sleep.

I strolled back threw the lounge room, making a mental note to turn off the TV and the light so mum wouldn't kill me in the morning, I sent Harry a smile before turning off the light and climbing the stair case once more before turning to the right and heading down to the guest room were Louis was.

I knocked on the door before opening it and peeking my head in to see him sitting there looking up at the roof.

“Lou?” I whispered before his head quickly snapped down and looked at me before he smiled happily and pushed himself up so he was sitting on his butt with his back against the wall. “Thought I'd come up and spend some time with you” I added before stepping in and closing the door behind me

Louis just smiled before patting the bed next time which I took as a sign to sit down with him.

“Are you ok?” Louis asked me with a curious tone to his manly voice.

“Yeah I'm fine” I said as I looked over at him with a smile planted across my lips. “Are you?” I asked him.

He just smiled before leaning forward and gently pressing his lips to mine with a smile still planted across his face. He brought his arm up and cupped my cheek before slowly pulling away, not taking his eyes off me once. “I am now” he whispered to me.

His words caused me to blush violently, he knew just what to say to me.

“Have you always been this perfect?” I question him as he smirked.

Instead of responding he just leant over and buried his face into my chest which was heart warming, I brought the can of coke up and opened it before taking a little sip.

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