Chapter 29

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Niall's P.O.V

I looked into the eyes of the tall stud before me, his eager chocolate brown eyes were like blades piercing me from all directions. I slowly looked down at his body as the hot ran over it, the water reflected the ceiling light which lit my eyes up. What was I doing here with him? Is that what I really wanted.

He lifted his hands and placed them against my pale chest and slowly rubbed circles with his thumbs, the circular movement sent chills up my spine.

But then his left hand trailed down a little lower until it was at my, well you know.

“I love you Niall” Liam's voice rang threw my ears before I went off into my own little world.

Harry's P.O.V

I turned to the right before eventually hitting the highway which would lead me out of town and hopefully to these houses in the book. I glanced over at Zayn who looked like he was enjoying the view from his window, I wonder how long it had been since he had been out.

I could see the lights of the other cars around us being reflected in his eyes as the went past us quickly.

“Harry?” Zayn questioned.

“Yeah?” I asked as I looked back to the road.

“Why is it so lovely out here?” he asked me.

I sent him a quick smile.

“It just is” I simply stated. “How long has it been since you've been out?” I asked him with a curious tone to my voice.

He looked down for a second and then back up. “I don't really remember” he stated to me.

“That long ha?” I laughed.

I reached down and flicked on the radio to lighten up the mood. I sighed when the sound of a quiet pop song filled the car.

Louis' P.O.V

I quickly sat up from the bed to the sound of a loud bang coming from across the hall. I slowly removed the covers from over my body and slid out of bed slowly. I looked around the room and was thankful that Liam had decided to give me back my clothes.

I rushed over to them and quickly put them on, I hated being naked around everyone. It made me feel like shit because my body was so horrible and weak.

I approached the door quickly but carefully, I couldn't risk having Liam find out that I was trying to escape. He'd kill me!

I wrapped my hand around the marble door handle and slowly turned it, but only to discover that it was locked, but it also felt like there was something else there, like a chair or a bat which was wedged under the handle on the other side. I released my hold on the handle and rushed over to the window quickly. I pushed up and the window flew up with ease. I pulled myself threw and stuck my head out and looked around.

“Fuck” I whispered to myself as I got a view of the drop that was before me.

I couldn't do it, if I wanted to break my leg then yeah sure go ahead but this was to far.

I backed into the room slowly before shutting the window quietly, I spun around to the sound of a light thud from outside the door. As I slowly opened, I was revealed to see Niall standing there and not Liam. I don't want to face Liam at the moment.

“Louis!” Niall exclaimed as he bolted in quickly, shutting the door behind him. “Thank god you're alright” he added before pulling me into a tight hug.

“I'm fine Niall! I'm glad you're ok though!” I replied with a smile planted across my face. “Did he hurt you?” I questioned him as I pulled away from the hug and looked him up and down a few times.

“No, no of course he didn't” Niall explained

Thank god!

“We've gotta get outta here Niall!” I exclaimed as I looked over at the door which was now completely unlocked.

“If we run, then he'll hurt us Louis!” Niall said as he grabbed my arm before I managed to get past him. “I don't want you to get hurt” he added as he took in a deep breath.

“Niall, I've put up will Liam for most of my life, we need to get away and get help” I explained to him. “I don't want you to stay here and suffer” I added.

“But I'm not suffering” Niall stated. “Liam treats me ever so kindly which is weird” he added.

“How can he be treating you kindly, he's a fucking monster” I responded as I looked around.

“Now Louis, I'm not a monster” I looked behind Niall and saw Liam himself standing in the door way looking at me with a smirk planted across his lips. “Niall babe come back to bed” he whispered seductively to Niall.

“Niall don't go with him!” I hissed.

Liam sighed before grabbing Niall by the upper arm and pulling him back away from me. Niall had a look of shame in his eyes as he was being pulled away.

“Go wait in bed” Liam said before smacking Niall's ass which made him jump slightly.

“I'm gonna get you out Niall!” I screamed as Liam took a step inside and closed the door behind him.

“Are we going to go threw all this again Tomlinson?” Liam questioned as he reached into his pocket and removed the small switch blade that he used to carve his name into my back with.

“Oh fuck off Payne!” I reacted as he took another step towards me.

Liam sighed before slowly unbuckling his belt and wrapping it around his hand as he strolled towards me. “This was my favourite punishment” he sang.

“DON'T EVER TRUST HIM NIALL!” I yelled before being grabbed by Liam...

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