Chapter 42

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Harry's P.O.V

Looking into Niall's eyes, all I could see was fear and sadness. I could tell he wanted to try and fix Liam but then again I could also tell that he was doing all he could to protect us from him.

'If you want to help me...then you'll leave me and get out of here before something happens' Niall's words replayed over and over in my mind.

“I-I can't leave you Niall” I whispered to him as he looked away from me with tears in his eyes.

I heard him sigh in frustration. “Harry...I need you to leave me here before Liam hurts you!” Niall hissed as he looked over at Liam before looking back at me once more with a frown planted across his sweet innocent face.

“NO! I'm not going anywhere” I yelled at him as I turned and faced Liam who had a devilish smirk planted across his lips.

“You asshole!” I hissed. “Look what you've done to him you fucking bitch!” I yelled as I took off towards him, but my actions proved fatal when he moved to the side and slammed his fist into my side which dropped me instantly.

“I'm the asshole?” Liam questioned me as he grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me up off the floor. “Your the one who done this to him” he whispered into my ear with a sadistic tone to his voice.

Oh god, he was right. I did this to Niall. I was the one who pushed him away when he trusted me.


“Faggot! Oi faggot over here” I chanted to Niall as he strolled to class with his head down and tears in his eyes. “Oi fag what's wrong?” I called out to the blonde who began to pick up the pace as he went to class. “C'mon let's get him” I stated to the others before we bolted after him as he went past the classroom door and towards the music rooms.

I saw Niall glance back but then instantly start running away from us with fear in his eyes.

“L-leave me alone!” He cried out as my arm grabbed the back of his jacket before being yanked back to the ground with force. He grunted with pain as he rolled up onto his side but only to be pushed back down to the ground by me.

“Why did you run away?” I questioned as I slammed my foot into his stomach.

He winced in pain as he covered his stomach with his arms but that gave me access to his upper chest which I happily kicked with force. I looked into his eyes as my friends then began beating the crap out of him, he looked absolutely terrified.

“H-Harry please s-stop” he cried out, for a split second I felt sorry for him but then I remembered he was a little faggot.

“No! Fuck you!” I yelled before slamming my foot into his chest which caused him to roll several times, as he did, I saw that his shirt had come up and had revealed a series of cuts along his waist line. “Stop!” I yelled as Niall attempted to pull his shirt down. I reached down and pushed his hand away before yanking up his shirt. “Look at what the little fag did to himself” I laughed.

“You made me do it!” Niall hissed before I took the liberty and slammed my fist into his face.

“I didn't make you do shit!” I replied to him before kicking him directly on one of the cuts which made it open and spill out blood which ran down his stomach and onto the ground.


“He's right Niall” I whispered. “I did this to you” I added as I slowly pushed myself up and approached Niall who looked ever so sad. “I'm so sorry Ni” I said as I reached out and made him look into my eyes. “I was a complete dick to you and I should be the one here, not you” I stated.

“You weren't a dick to me” Niall whispered back to him. “I know you did-”


“But I forgave you Harry, that's all that matters” he explained to me. He was so calm and caring. How could he be in this situation?

“I know you did” I whimpered as I turned around and looked at Liam. “Do you really want me to go?” I asked Niall.

“I don't want you to but I can't sit here and watch people get hurt” Niall whispered to me before his eyes lifted and looked over at Liam. I turned around slowly and watched as Liam as he moved closer to me, but suddenly there was a loud smack and Liam had dropped to the floor quickly. I sighed with relief as none other then Louis stepped from the shadows with a large metal bat resting in his dirty brown palms.

“LOUIS!” Niall yelled as he smiled brightly.

Louis just smiled before dropping the bat to the floor and limping over towards Niall who now had tears streaming down his face.

“I-I thought you were dead” Niall whispered to him as he directed his attention over at the body with the bag over there head. “Liam told me that he killed you” he added.

“Nah he wouldn't kill me” Louis whispered to him as he started undoing the chains, I rushed over and climbed up and helped him while Zayn grabbed Niall's legs and grabbed him when we had finally gotten him down. While I was up there helping Louis I silently thanked him for saving my best friend.

Niall grunted as he stood up straight and stretched. Everyone could tell he was in pain, he had been hanging from a roof for god knows how long.

I watched as Niall looked down at Liam who was knocked out and had a small thin trail of blood running down his face which was coming from the back of his head. He sighed before spitting on his back and walking off towards the stairs.

“Thank you Louis” Niall whispered to him as we slowly approached the front door which was wide open. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around Niall seeing as he was still shirtless. His skin was pale and most of the cuts had healed up. I pulled the back door of the car open and watched as Niall climbed in with Louis by his side, Zayn had gotten into the passenger seat.

I looked back up at the house one last time before closing the door and getting in myself...

(A/N: Fun fact: This isn't the last chapter, I'll try and write a few more because the ending is going to be awesome, so thank you all for reading! I <3 YOU ALL).

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