Chapter 38

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Liam's P.O.V

(Before Niall came out and found Liam).

I felt my grip on Niall drop when he slid out of the bed slowly, but that was soon swapped for a pillow, I didn't bother to open my eyes, I needed to rest for as long as possible. My head was throbbing and my eyes were heavy as hell.

I gasped as I felt everything around me vanished and I fell to a hard surface with made me grunt in pain.

I opened my eyes to see that I wasn't in bed any more, I wasn't even in a room any more. Instead I was outside in the cold air. I pushed myself up slowly so I was sitting on my knees with my arms crossed which was blocking the wind against my bare chest.

I knew that this wasn't really but I couldn't escape my mind, my mind that hated me...

I stood up so I was flat on my feet before taking a step forward.

With that step everything around me changed, it was like I was standing on a football field, large spot lights around me lit up which blinded me off the view in front of me. I brought my arm up and covered my eyes as the lights got brighter before several bulbs popped which gave me sight to the things around me.

I took another step forward but came to a stop when I kicked my foot on something hard which knocked me back to the ground with force. I looked up from my foot to the stone in front of me.

I leaned forward and brushed off some dust and was left in shock when I saw the last name of the stone.


I looked around as several other stones appeared in a circle around me, each had the same last name printed out across them.


I watched with fear has blood soon began running down the front of the stones and onto the filthy ground under my pale naked body. I shot up and jumped over the stones before backing away as the stones began rotating towards me.

“What the fu-” my sentence was cut off when a pair of strong arms grabbed my neck and lifted me up off the ground.

I reached up and tried to break free from my hold but it wasn't any good, I couldn't get free.

My eyes widened with fear as a masked figure appeared from the shadows with nothing but pure black clothes on and this freaky black mask with red claw marks on.

(A/N: Yes, that's the mask from my first 1D fan fic).

All I could see were these bright blue eyes which were intriguing to look into it.

I was then spun around so I had a view of the things behind me, and let me say, they weren't pretty.

My families bodies were hanging from tree trunks, there were large sticks which had been rammed through there throats which had ropes wrapped around them and that was what was holding them up of the ground.

I tried to look away but the man behind me wouldn't let me, he forced me to hang there and look at what I did.

“Let me go” I cried out as I was spun back around to the man, but this time I wasn't looking into a mask, I was looking at Niall who was covered in dark red blood with a smirk across his lips. “N-Ni?” I stuttered as he brought me in closer to his face.

“Boo” he said before running his hand down my cheek. “Look what you turned me into” he muttered to me before chucking me to the ground.

I slowly looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

“Get the fuck up!” He said to me.

“N-no” I stuttered to him, I didn't like this side of Niall, it wasn't right. I knew this was a dream but it was frightening.

“I said get the fuck up!” He screamed at me before kicking me in the side harshly which sent me into tears.

“Niall please” I whispered before being kicked again in the chest.

“You stood there and abused me Liam! You even raped me for fuck sake!” Niall screamed to me as he continued to kick me in the chest. “Now it's my turn to abuse you” he added before he began to stomp on my chest with force.

“I-I didn't m-mean to” I called out before being kicked in the face once more.

I shot up in the bed quickly with tears streaming down my face violently.

“NIALL!” I called out to him as I curled up into a ball and began crying violently.

I felt so damaged and broken! I need my Nialler.

“Niall please” I cried out.

“Shh baby it's ok” I heard Niall whisper to me from the shadows.

“Please hold me” I chocked out as I crawled over to the end of the bed slowly with my arm out for him to grab.

“Come here Liam” he said to me, so I complied and stood up on the cold wooden floor slowly.

But as I got away from the bed several figures emerged from the shadows with those black and red masks covering there faces. I began to panic as they took a step towards me quickly.

“Niall” I screamed at the top of my lungs before they grabbed my body and chucked me back into the shadows.

Niall's P.O.V

I walked out into the hall to find Liam strolling down the hall with the sheet from the bed half wrapped around his naked body. His now soft member, his hair legs and most of his chest was exposed for everyone to see.

He was moving like a zombie, he was pale and it looked like he had been crying again. He accidentally dropped the sheet but that didn't stop him, he just kept walking down the hallway completely nude and oblivious to my presence.

“Li baby?” I whispered as I walked towards him with my arm out. “Baby are you ok?” I asked as his body pressed up against my hand.

I grabbed him with both arms and pulled him closer to me before leading him back into the room.

What the fuck was wrong with him?

“Liam what's wrong?” I questioned him as I pushed him back into bed before climbing in with him to keep him warm.

He still wasn't responding, he just kept trying to leave the bed but I wouldn't allow him to. He needed to tell me what was wrong before he could even walk around the room.

“What's wrong?” I asked again but this time more sternly.

As he looked over at me there was complete fear in his baby brown eyes.

“What happened?” I asked him quickly.

“They – th- they came out of the dark” he stuttered as he looked around the room. “They came for me” he began to cry out as tears streamed down his cheeks.

“What? Who came?” I asked him as I pulled him closer to me.

He raised his head up and looked at me with wide eyes before leaning up until his face was centimetres from mine.

“They did” he whispered to me. “They all came for me” he repeated to me.

“What do you mean?” I asked him as I looked into his eyes.

“They all came for me” he muttered to me again.

I was beginning to freak out, who came for him? I needed to know.

“Is he ok?” I looked up to see Louis standing there looking over at us both with a concerned look across his face, I smiled weakly before shaking my head.

“No he's not” I explained to Louis as he slowly approached us.

“What happened to him?” Louis asked, Liam's head instantly snapped up and looked directly at Louis with nothing but pure anger in his eyes.

“I don't, I just don't know” I said as I pulled Liam to my chest quickly.

“Maybe we should go get help?” Louis suggested.

Looking down at Liam and then back up at Louis I figured out it was the best option for him.

“Liam we need to get you help, you're sick baby”...

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