Chapter 34

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Niall's P.O.V

It had been 2 weeks since I kissed Louis and 2 weeks since Liam had spoken to me, I was beginning to feel bad about what happened, every night I can hear him crying himself to sleep in his room. Louis and I would cook, clean and act like nothing had ever happened but there was something between us, but I also felt like there was something between Liam and I. Something that I now needed to fix, and I knew just how to do it.

“Louis?” I asked as I looked over at him.

I watched as he turned his bruised face to me and gave me a weak smile. “Yeah?” He asked.

“Are we- are we ok?” I asked curiously.

“Yeah I think we are” Louis said, thank god.

“Well there is something I need to do” I explained to him.

“Oh, and what is that?” Louis asked me quietly.

“I need to make things right with Liam” I said as I lowered my head. “I need to make everything ok” I added.

I saw Louis lower his head slightly before looking back up at me.

“If you must then you must” he stated before walking over to me slowly. “I don't want you to get hurt though” Louis whispered to me before slowly leaning forward and placing his lips against mine. I closed my eyes as his hands held my waist still, I had to admit this was amazing, something that I had always wanted to happen between me and someone who actually cares.

As I pulled away, I couldn't help but blush, he kissed me this time and it was with so much passion and love.

“I won't get hurt” I whispered to him before quickly leaning in and pecking him on the lips.

Louis smirked before blushing himself. “I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you did” he explained to me. His words sent a smile across my face and I couldn't help but lean in once more and kiss him.

“Liam, baby?” I whispered as I pushed the bedroom door open to see that the room was completely black. “Baby are you in here?” I asked. I closed the door behind me and flicked on the light, I looked up as the light barely lit the room up. I looked over at the bed and saw Liam with his face buried in the pillows. “Baby look at me please” I whispered to him.

“Why?” Liam muttered as he lifted his head but still didn't look at me. “So you can make out with someone!?” He hissed at me.

“No, I need you to look over at” I stated. “Please, for us” I whispered to him.

“Us? There is no us, you made that perfectly clear” Liam explained to me.

I felt so bad, I must of really hurt him.

“Look at me now!” I demanded as I approached the bed.

“I don't want to” he whimpered.

“Yes you do” I told him as I crawled up onto the bed slowly. I felt him shift and try to move away but I wasn't going to allow that.

“Niall leave me alone-” Liam hissed as he turned over and looked up at me, but as soon as I got the chance I threw myself forward and slammed my lips into his with force. He thought against me for a few seconds before giving in and started kissing me back. I felt his arms slide down my sides before cupping my ass and pulling me up closer to him.

“I never wanted to hurt you” I explained to him as I got a look at his pink puffy cheeks.

“But you did” Liam whispered to me.

“Well I'm here to fix things” I told him, and with that I slowly pulled my white shirt up over my head and chucked it onto the floor beside the bed. I looked down as Liam's hands ran up my chest and went around my neck and pulled me back in for a kiss. His left arm somehow ended up inside my jeans and feeling my ass.

“Do you want this?” Liam asked me.

(A/N: If you don't like boyxboy material then please skip to the next chapter, once uploaded of course).

“Yes” I simply replied, and with that I watched him remove his white singlet and chuck it to the floor. “Take these off” I huffed as I tried to pull down his pants.

Liam smirked before yanking them down to reveal his completely hard member, I reached down and removed my belt and chucked it to the floor quickly before Liam pinned me down to the mattress and ripped my jeans straight off me and left me laying there in my boxer shorts.

“I love you Niall” Liam muttered as he began to kiss my neck, he would gradually nip at the skin which would make me jump slightly.

“I love you to” I replied as his fingers hooked the elastic waist of my boxers and yanked them down until they were at my ankles. I instantly kicked them off and pulled Liam down to me and forced my lips to his again.

Liam reached down and took my member in his hands and slowly began to pump as we continued to kiss. He knew how to please me, he rubbed his thumb over the tip which made my body jerk.

“Rock me!” I yelled as he slid down my chest slowly, he eagerly placed sweet little kisses on my chest as he went down towards my member. With my words he suddenly took my member in his mouth. “Of fuckohfuckohfuck” I huffed as his head bobbed up and down slowly. “Fuck I love you” I yelled as pushed down until I was hitting the back of his throat.

He smiled as he brought himself up off me, making a 'pop' sound one he released me from his mouth.

“I want you” I stated.

“I want you to” Liam replied to me. “Turn around” Liam instructed as he sat up on his knees.

“Do you want me to prep?” Liam asked me.

“No” I huffed.

I turned around and got up on my hands and knees so I was facing the door.

I felt him grab my waist and line himself up behind me, and without warning he thrusted into me, gasping as the warm tightness surrounded him. I gasped out loud, tears running down my face as I had no time to adjust/ Liam paused for a second before leaning forward to me. I smiled as I tilted my head to the side and started at Liam's face. Liam connected his lips with mine as he began to thrust in and out, he would occasionally pull out completely and then slam right back in. Liam wrapped his arms around my chest and pulled me up into a sitting position.

My eyes rolled back with pleasure as he continued to thrust firmly into me, I moaned as I tried to get used to the new position. I reached back and wrapped my arms around Liam's neck and pulled him forward until his lips were connected with my neck.

I looked down as Liam reached around and grabbed my member and began to pump away with each thrust.

This was complete heaven.

But I wasn't going to last for long, after about 5 minutes of Liam pumping, I felt myself coil and release up onto my chest and Liam's hand.

“Oh fuck baby I love you so much” Liam said as I went back down onto my hands and knees.

“I love you to” I replied as his thrust slowed down a little.

“I'm gonna – arghhh” Liam yelled as he pushed himself all the way in and held himself there for several seconds, that's when I felt it. The warm goodness come over me. My hands gave out and my upper half was against the bed and my ass was still up in the air. “That was amazing babe” Liam huffed as he leant down and left little kisses just above my ass.

I winced as he pulled out slowly and fell down onto the bed beside me with a smile across his face.

“I love you so much” he whispered to me before planting a kiss on my red cheek.

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