Chapter 36

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Niall's P.O.V

After Liam's little episode I decided to spend the day in bed with him while he slept, just to make sure he was alright, he really frightened me before. I had also invited Louis to hang with me and keep me company, it didn't look like Liam would be waking up soon.

“So tell me about your childhood” I said to Louis as he crossed his legs as he tried to get comfortable.

“My childhood was alright actually. My parents split up when I was younger and I've just gone from there to be honest” Louis explained to me as he looked over at Liam. “How can you sleep with that?” He questioned.

“He isn't that bad” I laughed as I grabbed Louis by the hand and lead him out of the room so we could leave Liam alone. “The only way to make him happy is too stay with him so I don't have a choice” I explained to him as we walked down the hall to the other room where Louis was staying.

I had noticed that Louis hadn't tried to escape yet, I wonder why.

“I know you want to help him but you can't help everyone Niall” Louis stated.

“I know that but he is just as damaged as us Lou” I replied. “Maybe I can save him, just like you saved me” I added before turning around to meet Louis who was a little too close to my face. “H-hey” I muttered before he slammed his lips into mine with such force that I was knocked back slightly.

I love this side of Louis, I really do.

“Maybe we could have time for a make out session”. Louis muttered to me he kept on kissing me.

We ran back down to hall and entered his room quickly. I rushed over to the curtains and pulled them across before turning back around to see Louis standing there without his shirt on.

My jaw dropped to the sight of his abs.

“W-wow” I stuttered before he ran over to me and connected his lips with mine once more.

Harry's P.O.V

“I can't keep this up any more” I yelled as I punched the wheel with force. “We're never going to find Niall” I cried out as Zayn started rubbing my back in order to calm me down, but it wasn't working at all. This was useless!

“We're going to find them, don't worry, there is still one more house we haven't checked yet” Zayn informed me. “We'll go there next”.

“Yeah, but it's over 100 miles away from here!” I replied as I opened up the book to the address. “Do you think he's there?” I asked Zayn.

“I think so, and maybe so is Louis” he stated.

“Yeah maybe” I muttered before turning on the car once more and pulling out of the driveway. This last house was our only chance, he needed to be there.

I had spoken to his mother earlier and she is still in complete denial that her son was missing, missing with a serial killer actually. I found out what Liam did to his family and it was horrifying. He could even end up hurting Niall, my best friend, my lifetime brother from another mother.

“I remember when I was little I was the biggest dick to Niall” I randomly said as we started driving. “I hated myself so much for it after he tried to kill himself” I exclaimed as I looked over at Zayn quickly. “Niall came out to me and I told him off and called him all kinds of shit during school, I was the reason people bullied him so much”...

(A/N: Sorry it's so short guys, I'm not really feeling great today but I wanted to update so yeah).

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