Chapter 20

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Harry’s P.O.V

I stood tall beside Ms Horan who was in complete hysterics due to the fact that Niall was missing…with Liam. I wanted to tell her about what Liam had did to him but then again I knew it wouldn’t end well, she’d flip out and completely destroy everyone around her, which to be honest wouldn’t be that bad.

“Harry” she muttered to me as she looked over at me. “Harry he’s gone” she shrieked before almost collapsing to the floor in tears.

“I know, we’ll find him” I exclaimed as I looked down at her with pity in my eyes. “We’ll track him down” I added before looking over at the officer as he approached us with a frown planted across his lips.

“Hello Ms Horan and Mr?...” The officer asked.

“Ah Styles, Harry Styles” I stated.

“Ok, so Ms Horan, your son Niall? He’s been missing for how long?” he asked her as he looked away from me.

“He’s been missing for a few days now” she cried.

Just hearing her cry was heartbreaking, Niall was the only person in her life that actually meant something. He was all she had.

“Ok ma’am, were did he go missing from?” the officer asked with a tone of pity and remorse. “We understand that he was in fact under psychiatric observation?” he added.

“Yes, he was undergoing therapy at a state institute after he tried to kill himself!” she said with a harsh tone to her voice. “But then he just disappeared” she added.

“Don’t worry ma’am, we’ll track him down” he reassured him.

“Ok, thank you. Now Mr Styles I need to have a word with you so Ms Horan can you please wait out in the waiting room?” the officer instructed, she simply nodded and rubbed my knee quickly before leaving the integration room. “Now Mr Styles, when was the last you saw Niall?” he asked me.

“Before I left the institute a few days ago” I explained to him. “I left after Niall had a shower and then yeah” I added as I looked around the room.

“Ok, was Niall acting strange in anyway?” he asked.

“Well we are talking about Niall Horan, he was always acting weird” I muttered.

“So your saying he was always acting weird, how so?” the officer asked me as he continued to write down some stuff on some paper.

“He was always so shy and timid, never spoke in class, didn’t have any friends and he was abused” I spoke with a strong tone to my voice.

“Abused?” he asked.

“He was bullied unbelievable by everyone” I explained while adding a few hand movements. “Students laughed at him, they threw shit at him and nobody cared” I stated as I crossed my arms.

“But you cared?” he exclaimed.

“I didn’t care for a long time, but then when I saw him being taken away in the ambulance I cared again” I mumbled.

“Did anyone ever attempt to help him?” the officer asked me.

“If they did I don’t think we’d be here now would we?” I said sarcastically.

“There’s no need to be rude Harry, what happened at school?” he asked me, I could tell he was becoming frustrated with me.

I suddenly remembered what school was like for him while he was growing up, and everything changed for him when he told me something that tested our friendship.

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