Chapter 9

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Liam’s P.O.V

‘Now Liam go deal with the real problem, Harry and Niall…kill em’ kill em Liam KILL EM’ I smirked to the thought of spilling there blood all over the floor of the institute before I shower myself in it, I know I sound horrible and evil but I’m not. You see I wasn’t always like this, this only happens when I get a new roommate who I like, and Niall is the perfect example. He’s mine!

I stood at the entrance to the room where Niall and Harry were staying, thankfully they weren’t here so I had plenty of time to hide and get ready to attack.

“Oh Niall please don’t be sad, we both don’t need Harry in our lives, I can make you truly happy” I whispered to myself as I bent down and picked up one his plan white shirt, I smirked as I brought it up and sniffed in his smell before dropping it to the floor. “I’ve been waiting for someone like you for a long long time Niall” I whispered to myself before hearing a door slam shut in the distance.

I walked over to the bathroom door and walked in before closing the door behind me. I strolled over and pulled the shower curtain back before stepping in and pulling the curtain back behind me.

Harry’s P.O.V

I walked alongside Niall as we approached the room; he looked so sad and hurt. I was thankful that he opened up to me and told me what Liam had done to him. I knew I couldn’t change anything, but I could help him get out.

“T-thank you Harry” Niall muttered to himself but loud enough for me to hear.

“For what?” I asked him with a curious tone to my voice. I knew what he was talking about though.

“Thanks for b-being there for m-me” he stuttered as he looked up at me.

I exhaled quietly before stopping him dead in his tracks. “Anytime, I know you’ll be there for me when the time comes Niall” I explained to him as I pulled him into a hug.

“Y-yeah I will” Niall said happily as he pulled away from the hug.

The sun was now going down and the asylum was becoming darker and darker by the second, and more evil by the moment, this place truly was scary. We had a quiet day actually, we had a counsellor take us down to the dinner a few miles down the road for some lunch and then we came back and explored the grounds for a while before spending most of the afternoon playing some of Nialls games on his PlayStation.

 We just finished tea then actually and now we were back to our room to watch a few movies and get drunk off fizzy drinks.

As we entered the room I looked to the right and saw a young man walking up the hall slowly, my guess is it was Zayn; he seemed to fit the description that Niall gave me.

“Hi Zayn” I happily said as I gave him a little wave before walking into the room.

“Hi” he whispered as he continued walking past the door.

I flicked over the lock before walking over to the lounge quickly; it felt so good to finally sit down after a long day with Niall.

“Sweet fucking Jesus my feet are killing me” I exclaimed as I feel back into the lounge and into complete heaven.

 Niall looked up at me and chuckled lightly as he continued to search for a good movie too watch. “So ah what movie?” he asked me quietly.

“Carrie?” I asked with a strong tone in my voice as I looked down at him.

“Ah yeah, I think t’s in here, you packed it right?” Niall asked me as he looked around.

“Erm yup I packed it, your mother told me too just in case, she told me it was in fact your favourite movie after all” I explained to him as I sent him a smile.

“Ha thanks Harry” he muttered as he continued to search threw the bag in order to hunt down the DVD.

(A/N: Howdy guys, so I was just wondering if you could leave me some feedback and tell me what you think so far, if that’s possible of course? Thanks heaps everyone for reading).

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