Chapter 28

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Harry's P.O.V

I pushed the door open with force before entering the room where Niall and Liam were staying. I needed to find something that could lead me to where Niall was. I chucked the mattress up into the air and watched as the pillows and sheets flew up around me, I noticed a few small books and photos laying around so I checked them out, but I only found a few addressees and photos of Liam when he was younger. I slipped the address booklet into my pocket and continued on with searching the room.

I had Niall's mum outside in the lobby waiting with a few others while I was here searching.

I moved up onto the top bunk and pulled the mattress down and began ripping it apart, nothing. There was nothing here at all.

I stood up to the fact that there was someone here who could help me. Zayn.

I stormed out into the hall and power-walked down the hall in order to find Zayn.

“Zayn!” I yelled as I began to run down the hall. “Zayn please answer me” I yelled again.

Looking around I couldn't help but notice that I was getting a few glares off several people.

“Harry?” A voice came from behind me, a voice that I knew from the instant I heard it. I locked eyes with Zayn as I spun around and locked eyes with Zayn who looked very confused.

“Zayn...thank god I found you” I stated as I approached him quickly. “It's about Niall and Liam”...

Niall's P.O.V

I sat up as Liam pulled his shirt over his head and chucked it to the floor quickly. The sight of his toned abs made my heart race increase dramatically. As he looked over at me I quickly lowered my head, I didn’t want him to see that I was watching him undress. I looked up once more and noticed that he wasn’t wearing anything at all. He was holding his boxers in his right hand which was covering his junk.

“U-um” I chocked as he sent me a smirk.

To make things even more awkward, he then released his boxers and let them fall to the floor.

“You like?” Liam asked me as he slowly approached the bed without a care in the world.

“I ah-I” I was speechless, Liam pushed himself up onto the bed and sat up on his knees so he was above me looking down into my eyes.

“I’m going to go have a shower. You wanna join me?” he asked me with a seductive tone to his voice which was followed by a wink. I went to open my mouth to speak but nothing came out, there was complete silence. “I'll take that as a yes” he laughed as he took my hands in his and pulled me up off the bed.

Louis was in a different room sleeping, Liam had given him the spare room and locked the door so he couldn't escape.

“Let me help you” Liam said as he pulled me forward and slammed his lips into mine. I felt his hands slowly explore my body before his fingers became hooked in my pants. “I've always wanted this” he added before he yanked my pants down to my ankles.

Next was my shirt, but instead of simply removing it from my body. He gripped it tightly and tore it straight off my body and let it fall to the floor quickly.

Did I really want this?

Harry's P.O.V

“I need your help ok?” I asked Zayn as Niall's mother and I sat down with him in Niall and Liam's room.

Zayn simply nodded and sent us both a weak smile.

“Where did Liam take Niall?” I asked him quickly.

He looked down for a second and then back up at us quickly.

“I've got no idea” he simply stated.

“Do you have any clue who would know?” I questioned him.

“Nup” he replied. “But I do know that Liam keeps an address book, try looking in that” he added as he looked over at Niall's mother.

I looked over at Niall’s mother as I pulled out the small booklet and started flipping through the pages.

“His house is in there, you find it…you find Niall” Zayn explained to me before pushing himself up off the floor and looking around. As he went to leave, I reached and grabbed his leg firmly.

“You’re coming out there with me” I said to him as he looked down at me.

“You can’t just take me outta here” he protested.

“Wanna bet!? I’m taking you with me so we can find Niall and stop Liam!” I explained to him as he looked away.

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