Chapter 39

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Niall's P.O.V

Liam looked at me with fear in his eyes.

“Ni?” He questioned as he pushed himself away from me.

“Liam we need to get you some help, you're not well” I stated to him as I grabbed his hand and stopped him from getting away from me.

“I'm fine” he spoke as he sat up and looked over at Louis with anger in his eyes. “You talked him into this didn't you!?” Liam yelled at him as he backed away slowly.

“Liam he didn't do anything” I whispered to him as I sat him down.

“Yes he did! He tried to take you from me!” Liam screamed as he lunged himself towards Louis but I was lucky that I was able to pull him back and hold him tight in my arms.

“No he didn't!” I responded to him as he began to cry out.

“Do you even listen to yourself sometimes Payne?” Louis spat at him which made his body stiffen. “You sit there thinking that you can just have him when you can't!” Louis screamed.

“You dare yell at me!?” Liam hissed as he stood up and approached Louis with his eyes fixed on the pale boy who was ready to escape him.

“What the fuck are you going to do freak?” Louis laughed to him.

Those words set Liam off and next thing I knew Louis had been thrown back across the room and onto the bed and was now pinning me down.

“Liam stop!” I yelled to him as he flipped Louis over on his back and pinned him down onto the bed.

“No Niall! He tried to take you away from me and now he has to die” Liam screamed as he pushed me away from them.

“No get off him!” I yelled as I pushed Liam off Louis and onto the floor before pulling Louis up to his feet so he was beside me.

“We're going to go get you help!” Louis said before taking my hand in his and running out into the hallway and towards the steps.

I could hear Liam running after us as we flew down the steps and went towards the door. I had managed to unlock it earlier so now there was a chance of an escape, well not an escape but a chance to get him help.

We pulled the door open and spun around to see Liam standing at the top of the stairs with a large blade sitting in his hands and with an evil smirk planted across his lips.

Zayn's P.O.V

“Turn here!” I shouted as we went around the bend and onto a dirt road which had several turn off’s which would take us to different houses.

“Are you sure about this Zayn?” Harry asked me as he pulled over and looked over at me with a confused look planted across his face.

“You know I'm not sure but we need to try ok” I stated to Harry.

“What if it's already too late? What if Niall's dead?” Harry sobbed as he laid back in the car seat and began to cry.

“You know he isn't dead Harry, Liam won't kill him if he wants him” I said to him as I reached over and put my arm around his shoulder. “Liam won't kill him” I added.

“Are you sure?” Harry asked as he reached up and brushed off a few tears.

“I'm positive!” I replied.

(A/N: I hate to say this but this book is getting close to finishing, Harry is eventually going to find Niall and it's all going to go to hell from there but there will be a few more chapters to come. I really love everyone who has stood by this book and read it, commented and voted for it. I love you all!)

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