Chapter 16

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Zayn’s P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open to meet the beautiful baby blue eyes which belonged to Josh who was sitting on the lounge beside me with a smile across his face. I pushed myself up and looked around as cleared my eyes of the sleep that had built up when I feel asleep.

“Morning” Josh whispered as he leant over to me and got a little too close for comfort. “How’d you sleep?” he asked me with a smile planted across his lips.

“I slept well thanks” I replied as I stretched before looking around for the others. “Where are Niall and Louis?” I asked curiously.

“Oh they left and went somewhere during the night” Josh explained to me as he got up off the lounge and walked over to the door before pulling it open so I had a view of the hallway which was completely empty and silent.

Why the fuck would they leave without taking me with them? They promised me that if they were going anywhere that I was going to have to go with them.

“Do you know where they went?” I asked as I got up and walked over towards the door.

“Nope, haven’t got a clue” he responded before he walked out into the hallway. “I’ll see you later on, I’m going to head out and get some food” Josh added before walking away, leaving me completely alone and worried.

Niall’s P.O.V

I opened my eyes to meet complete darkness; I didn’t have a single fucking clue to where I was. I was completely dumb fucked, all I could remember was Liam chasing me and then being hit by…Josh! Zayn and I think Louis were alone with him!

I was unable to move my arms and legs, I soon realized that my hands and feet were tied up and I there was duct tape covering my eyes. My head snapped up when I realised I was also fully naked and laying on a soft surface, probably a mattress or something.

“Liam?” I whispered as I tried to move but couldn’t. I didn’t want to be alone; even if I was with Liam I’d be happy. “Liam please answer me” I added before a tear formed up in my right eye.

“What?” Liam asked me, I let out a sigh of relief, thank god I wasn’t alone.

“Where am I?” I sobbed, well I wasn’t actually sobbing, I was just faking it to see if he had a soft side.

“Somewhere secret” he giggled. “I’m so glad you decided to come with me” he added.

Ah no, I didn’t decide on anything, you took me here against my will.

“Liam you knocked me out and brought me to this place” I explained to him. “I didn’t have a choice in the matter” I exclaimed as I looked around, I still couldn’t see a bloody thing, well not until Liam ripped the tape off my eyes.

“I had too, I didn’t have a choice” Liam stated as he approached me with a smirk planted across his lips.

All he was wearing was a pair of light blue jeans with a brown leather belt which was holding it in place and a pair of white converse…and no shirt which exposed his abs vividly.

He crouched down in front of me and looked me dead in the eyes, his chocolate brown eyes had nothing but pure evil in them when I looked into his eyes, I knew what he was.

“I know what you did” I said to him as he leant in towards me, luckily for me my words stopped him dead in his tracks.

“What?” he asked me curiously before his eyes began to wonder.

“You killed your family” I hissed as I struggled to get free from my hold. “All of them, your mum, dad and sisters” I added as I managed to sit up on the mattress with my legs out straight and with my hands behind my back, I didn’t seem to mind that I was completely naked in front of Liam, besides that wasn’t my main concern at the moment.

“Louis” he muttered as he looked away from me for a few moments before looking back. “So he told you about what I did?” he laughed as he jumped onto the bed beside me and wrapped his right arm around me, I could feel his underarm hair rubbing against my back which wasn’t a nice feeling. “At least you know what to expect if you ever try to escape” Liam whispered into my ear before gently nibbling on the lobe.

“Where’s Louis?” I randomly asked him out of the blue.

“Why do you want to know?” Liam asked me as he ever so slowly kissed up my neck.

“Because he’s my friend Payne” I growled, but I soon regretted it when Liam slapped me harshly across the cheek.

“Don’t ever raise your voice at me you little whore!” Liam yelled before throwing me down onto my back with force before pinning me down.

“Or what Liam, what the fuck are you going to do?” I asked as a grin broke out across my lips. I took in a sharp intake of breath when Liam pulled up a knife from out of nowhere and held it against my skin.

“Take a wild guess” he giggled before running the knife down along my body towards my crutch. “Every man needs them but I can easily cut them right off” he added.

“You wouldn’t” I whimpered.

“Oh believe me Nialler, I most certainly would” Liam responded before slamming his lips into mine with force, casing me to whimper. “Don’t” Liam muttered as he pulled away before going back in for me. “Ever” He whispered between breaths. “Fuck” he exhaled again. “With” he said but this time he pulled away completely and laid on my bare chest. “Me” he finished before looking up into my eyes.

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