Chapter 31

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Louis' P.O.V

I watched as Niall tried to free me from Liam's hold, but it wasn't any good.

“Liam stop!” Niall yelled, but Liam didn't listen, instead he swung his left arm to the side and sent Niall back into the floor, I saw that Niall had hit his head when he hit the ground, Liam then slammed his fist into my stomach with such force it caused me to scream. I felt the air come back to me as he released me and let me drop to the floor. As I lost balance and fell onto my back, I looked over and watched as Niall drifted off.

“You asshole!” I screamed at Liam. “Look what you did!” I hissed as I pointed over at Niall who was out cold. Instantly Liam's expression changed, he knew what he did from the instant he looked at Niall. “You hurt him Liam!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.

“I didn't mean to-”

“Just like you didn't mean to hurt me all those years ago?!” I replied as I pushed myself up slowly so I was level with him.

Liam closed his eyes for several seconds before opening them slowly to reveal tears, I watched in shock as one broke away and fell to the floor.

Did he just cry? I thought I'd never see the day.

“I didn't mean to hurt him” Liam whispered as he sat down next to Niall with tears streaming down his pale face. “I never wanted to hurt him” he added as he looked up at me. I watched as he crawled over to Niall and lifted his head into his lap before he continued to cry heavily. I watched as the tears broke away and landed in Niall’s hair on his forehead. “I'm sorry” Liam whispered as he began slowly rocking back and forth with Niall’s head still in his lap.

Liam's P.O.V

'Look what you did Liam! You hurt YOUR Niall' I closed my eyes in order to block out the voices but it didn't do any good, instead they just keep getting louder and louder.

“Liam!” Louis hissed at me as he took a step towards me.

“What?” I asked quietly as I looked up at the boy as he stood over me.

“Let us go” he exclaimed as he tried to act strong.

What? He couldn't leave.

“I don't think so” I said as I gently placed Niall down before rising up so I was eye level with the weak boy across from me.

“Niall needs a doctor!” he replied as he took a step towards Niall, but I was quick to respond, I took a step to the side and stopped Louis from getting to Niall.

“No he's fine” I replied quickly.

“Really? He's knocked out cold” Louis stated.

I looked down at the blonde who looked like a little angel. What was I going to do with you?

I heard the door behind me creak open slowly, I spun around to see what it was but suddenly my surroundings changed and everything was dark. As I took a step forward bright lights lit up to reveal that I was in a long damp hallway, I looked down at the tiled floor and watched as bits of paper and leafs blew across and went up against the wall. I looked back up and watched as someone ran across the hall and went into an open door quickly. I looked to the left and saw something written in what appeared to be red paint.


It was in huge capitals along the wall beside me, looking over to the right there was something else printed on the wall with red paint.


I turned away and approached the door that the figure had gone into, but I then saw the number on the door.

'101'. Oh my god, I'm at Room 101!

I backed away as everything became clear to me, I was back in the asylum! I looked into the room and what I saw was horrifying.

I saw myself on top of Louis who was pinned to the bed crying and screaming out in pain but there was tape around his mouth which was muffling his cries for help. I looked around and remembered what happened when I did this, I cut him so deep and spread his blood out across the wall and wrote 'mine' all over the place. Louis then tried to kill himself several days later but I stopped him, because back then he was in fact mine.

I opened the door and walked in but as I got past the door frame everything went back to normal but I was pinning Louis against the wall with force, he looked ever so pale and frightened. I released him from my hold and watched as he dropped to the floor with force.

I closed my eyes as he began to cough violently before whispering something to me.

“What are you?”

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