Chapter 10

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Liam’s P.O.V

I poked my head out into the room slowly as I heard the door close quietly before everything went silent, I had a chance to get out now and go back to Louis who was still locked away in the closet.

I slowly but ever so quietly made my way out into the dark empty hall, I’ve turned my head to the right and watched Harry and Niall walking off in the distance, luckily for me I was going down the hall and to the left which would take me to Louis’ room.

I walked into his room before closing the door behind me and turning over the lock to make sure no one would interrupt us.

“Louis” I sang as I unlocked the closet door before pulling it open quickly. Instantly Louis hurled himself at me which sent me back a little. “I don’t think so you little shit” I yelled as I reached out and took a handful of his hair in my right hand before I pulled him back so he was facing me. I smirked as light tears ran down his cheeks before breaking off and connecting with his bare cold chest.

“Fuck you” he snapped as he attempted to kick me off him but it didn’t work, instead I tightened my grip and pinned him against the door with force.

“That’s rather rude Louis seeing as I could easily put you back in there and leave you” I whispered into his ear as he whimpered quietly.

“Get fucked Liam” he snapped again as he tried to get free from my hold. “I hate you” he added before I slammed my spare fist into his stomach with force.

“I’d be careful with what you say to me you pathetic little faggot” I hissed as I brought up my switch blade from my pocket and opened it near his face and placed the side of the blade against his cheek as a smirk wildly. “Are you going to say sorry for speaking to me like that, or am I going to have to force it out of you?” I asked with a sarcastic tone to my voice.

“Go to hell” he exclaimed as he connected his fist we my cheek which knocked me back and released him from my hold before he dropped to the cold floor. I panicked as the knife hit the floor and slid away from me. I looked up as Louis tried frantically to unlock the door but couldn’t.

“Mother fucker!” I screamed as I forced myself up and grabbed him and chucked him back onto his bed with force, making him whimper. “Do you know what happens when little shits like you fuck with me?” I yelled into his ear as I put my knee on his back and held him down against the bed.

With my knee still on his back, I reached down and picked up the blade from off the floor and ever so slowly brought it up and placed the tip gently against his pale skin.

“Please don’t Liam I’m sorry” he muttered as I jabbed him with the knife which made him yelp quietly.

“Too late shit head” I hissed to him as I put the blade in the centre of his back. “Now let’s start…L” I said as I pushed in and slowly dragged down and then to the left which left an L in his back.

“I” I then dragged down and left an I in his back, by now he was crying and begging me to stop but I wasn’t listening to him.

“A” I gripped the knife tightly and quickly pushed it down into his back, deeper than the other cuts that’s for sure.

Niall’s P.O.V

I jumped violently to the screams of male in the distance.

“Harry I’ll be right back ok” I explained to him as he inserted the coins into the machine.

I turned around and walked off out of the cafeteria and went into the long dark cold hall which would lead me down to the patients rooms and past Liams room, man I hope he didn’t notice me when I went past.

I heard another scream but only this time it was louder, I darted down the left hand side hallway before going left again and then entering a long white hall with doors scattered left and right.

Most of the lights hanging from the roof would flicker occasionally but the other ones would flicker violently.

I made out someone’s cry for help as another scream filled my ears.

I darted down the hall and came to the door and looked in threw the small window and into the bright room.

“Oh my god” I whispered as I saw Louis laying on the bed, wearing nothing and covered in blood with several cuts on his back, I tilted my head slightly to make out what the cuts were representing. “L.I.A.M” I spoke to myself, Liam!

Louis’ head was facing the wall to the right; he had tears streaming down his cheeks which mixed with a little bit of blood which had been smeared across his pale face. As I went to open the door Liam appeared in front of the small window which made me jump back and fall back to the floor with force.

I lifted my head to the sound of the door squeak open. I went to scream as Liam appeared in front of me with the switch blade in his right hand.

“Hello Niall” he spoke ever so darkly as he quickly approached me with a wicked smirk across his lips.

“NO!” I yelled as his free hand wrapped around my ankle and yanked me back closer to him. “No Liam please don’t” I cried as he pinned me to the floor and sat up on my chest with the knife to my throat.

“Or what Niall?” he laughed as he placed his spare hand against my cheek and began to rub circles ever so slowly.

“Please leave me alone” I whispered as he leant down and looked into my eyes with nothing but pure darkness which was the substitute for the puppy dog brown eyes.

“Now why would I want to do that?” he whispered into my ear before gently nibbling on the lobe.

“I n-never did anything t-to you” I said to him.

“Well that’s true but I just knew you were mine from the instant you walked in” he explained to me which made me rethink the entire situation.

“What do you mean by ‘mine’?” I asked curiously.

“I’ve really gotta explain things more often, from the instant you walked through my door I knew you would be mine” he laughed as he removed the knife from my throat and pushed the black back into the handle before putting it in his back pocket.

“I’ll never be yours –“

“Yes you will Niall, what am I talking about? You already are mine” he explained to me as he leant down and connected his lips with mine and locked us both in a fierce kiss. “You’ll always be mine” he added as he pulled away and looked deeply into my eyes.

“What if I don’t want to be yours?” I asked curiously as I looked down the hall which was completely empty and silent.

He exhaled before leaning down and pressing his lips to my neck before ever so slowly working his way up to my ear.

“I’ll kill Harry” he giggled sadistically

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