Chapter 19

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Niall’s P.O.V

“Ah Liam?” I asked curiously as we approached the car slowly with our bags in our hands. “How did you get out?” I asked him as he inserted the key into the lock on the trunk of the car. He smirked as he turned around and looked directly at me.

“Niall baby you shouldn’t ask those questions” he giggled to me. “They could get you seriously hurt” he added before turning over the key quickly.

“Well whose house is this?” I asked, I needed him to answer one question for me at least. He sighed before opening the trunk. I was completely shocked when I saw 2 bodies lying on top of each other with their throats slashed. “I’ll take it was theres” I muttered as I looked away and almost feel to the ground in disbelief. “Is that what you did to Louis?” I asked him as tears formed up my light blue eyes.

“Heavens no, I know how much Louis means to you so he’s absolutely fine Nialler” Liam laughed before he chucked the bags in on top of the bodies before slamming the trunk shut. “We should get going now” he added before he approached me and grabbed me by the arm and dragged me over to the car. He pulled open the passenger side door and forced me in before slamming it shut behind me.

“Please god please, just let me live to see another da-“ I began to pray, for the first time in my life I was actually praying.

“What are you going on about Niall?” Liam asked as he sat down in the driver’s seat before putting the key in. “Were you p-praying?” he asked me with a harsh tone to his voice.

“Y-yes” I stuttered as I looked away from him.

I could somewhat tell by the tone in his voice that he didn’t take to kindly to the whole praying thing.

Suddenly I received a vicious slap across the cheek which made me whimper. “Don’t you ever pray again” Liam hissed before he took a handful of my hair in his strong hands. But as a tear ran down my cheek he loosened his grip and ran his hand down my cheek before ever so gently caressing my bright cheek. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you love” he whispered before he pulled me closer to him and slammed his lips into mine.

Harry’s P.O.V

I slowly lowered the phone from my ear, the pain I was feeling was unbelievable. What the hell did she mean, Niall was missing!? How the fuck does someone go missing in a mental institution. Wait a minute, Liam!

Liam took him, I just know he did. After all he has done to Niall I wouldn’t be surprised if it was him.

“Look I know who he’s with” I exclaimed as I brought the phone back up to my ear. “He’s with Liam! Liam Payne!” I yelled before I took off towards my bedroom door. I went out into the hallway and took off before rushing down the flight of steps which would take me into the lounge room of my fairly large suburbia house. I needed to find Niall, I cared so much about him, so much that I would even risk injuring myself in order to help him.

Niall’s P.O.V

I looked around as we turned into a long dusty dirt road, we must have been behind another car due to the high levels of dust that was being kicked up. Looking over at Liam, I couldn’t help but notice the lovely scenery that lied beyond the tree line. There was a beautiful crystal blue lake which seemed to be rather secluded from the general public.

“Welcome home Niall” Liam said as he sent me a quick smile. I didn’t respond, I just continued to stare at the area. It was absolutely beautiful out here, the sky was a dark grey but it seemed to seduce me in a way, the trees were tall and seemed to be scattered alongside the road, I could even hear the bird signing over the engine of the old car.

We pulled up alongside a large 3 story house which looked absolutely fantastic, the windows had a slight tint to them which made looking inside ever so difficult. The outside consisted of dark red bricks and white wooden panels, the bricks were built up around the chimney and the wooden panels went around the house.

I looked over at the mailbox which was stationed a few feet away, on the right hand side it had the word ‘Payne’ printed out across it, the p was a little loose so it was tilted slightly.

“Is this your house?” I asked him as I turned and faced him, he glared over at me as he turned the car off and removed the key.

“It’s our home now” Liam giggled to me before he grabbed me and forced me over so I was laying in his lap. “I love you Niall” he added before leaning down and planting a sweet kiss on my lips.

(A/N: Well I basically forced this outta me, I said I wouldn't be able to update for a while but I did XD).

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