Chapter 37

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Louis' P.O.V

I laid there with Niall on top of me with his head buried in my neck, we had been laying her for about an hour just making out and discussing out lives back home before all this. To tell you the truth, talking about home kind of ruined the mood seeing as I was semi-hard and half naked, but if it makes Niall happy it makes me happy too.

I glanced down and noticed that Niall was starring blankly into my pale skin which had small cuts scattered along it.

I jumped slightly as he brought his finger up and traced the cuts with his finger tip, he looked like a little 5 year old who was trying to colour in-between the lines, he looked so confused.

“Ni, you ok?” I asked as he looked up at me quickly with tears in his eyes.

“Did- Did Liam do these to you?” He asked me.

I actually wish he did, but these were done by me...

“No, I did them Niall” I replied as I looked up at the roof quickly with a blank expression.

“Why?” He asked me as he sat up on his knees so he was looking down into my eyes. “Why would you do this to yourself?” He asked me with a sad look in his eyes.

“I can't deal with the pain Niall” I said as I rolled over onto my side quickly so he couldn't see the tears in my eyes.

“The pain?” Niall questioned me.

I frowned before rolling over completely which revealed the cuts which were almost done healing.

“L.I.A.M” Niall huffed as he placed his palm on my upper back and slowly rubbed circles slowly. “Oh now I see” he muttered to me.

“I can't deal with it” I said to him as I rolled back over to meet a hot pair of blue eyes looking down on me.

“I can help you deal with it” Niall whispered to me as he sat up on my lower chest and began running his fingers up and down my chest.

“How?” I asked out of curiosity.

(A/N: Listen to Same Mistakes by the one and only One Direction, it goes well with Louis and Niall).

Instead of just replying, he simply leant down and connected his lips with mine. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck and held him there above me as he gained access to mouth, our teeth nipped at each others as we got into it even more. My arms slid down to Niall's lower back before squeezing his ass quickly.

“If that's how you're going to help me, I won't complain at all” I whispered to him as he sat up and looked down at me with a smile planted across his lips.

“I know you won't” Niall stated as he leant back down and connected his lips with my neck which made me moan with pleasure a little too loudly.

Niall sat up and looked around.

“What?” I whispered but he covered my mouth with his hand and looked around.

“Liam's up” he said quickly before quickly sliding off me and putting his shirt on quickly. “I'll be right back” he added before quickly leaning over and pecking my lips before rushing off to Liam.

Niall's P.O.V

I walked out into the hall to find Liam strolling down the hall with the sheet from the bed half wrapped around his naked body. His now soft member, his hair legs and most of his chest was exposed for everyone to see.

He was moving like a zombie, he was pale and it looked like he had been crying again. He accidentally dropped the sheet but that didn't stop him, he just kept walking down the hallway completely nude and oblivious to my presence.

“Li baby?” I whispered as I walked towards him with my arm out. “Baby are you ok?” I asked as his body pressed up against my hand.

I grabbed him with both arms and pulled him closer to me before leading him back into the room.

What the fuck was wrong with him?

“Liam what's wrong?” I questioned him as I pushed him back into bed before climbing in with him to keep him warm.

He still wasn't responding, he just kept trying to leave the bed but I wouldn't allow him to. He needed to tell me what was wrong before he could even walk around the room.

“What's wrong?” I asked again but this time more sternly.

As he looked over at me there was complete fear in his baby brown eyes.

“What happened?” I asked him quickly.

“They – th- they came out of the dark” he stuttered as he looked around the room. “They came for me” he began to cry out as tears streamed down his cheeks.

“What? Who came?” I asked him as I pulled him closer to me.

He raised his head up and looked at me with wide eyes before leaning up until his face was centimetres from mine.

“They did” he whispered to me. “They all came for me” he repeated to me.

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