Chapter 3

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Maura’s P.O.V

They were sending my baby away, my Niall was being sent away from me, I couldn’t do anything to stop it, and no one would listen to my cries as I tried to reason with them, nobody cared, I felt like I was gonna die without him in my life.

I took Nialls hand in mine as we were taken from his hospital room by the staff members from the asylum that he was being sent too for his treatment, the doctors told me he could be in there for at least a year or so, but I was able to visit him at least 3 times a week so I wasn’t too sad about it, I was just going to miss making him breakfast in bed when he’s sick.

“Mumma?” Niall muttered, I looked over at him, noticing he had tears running down his cheeks. “Do I have to leave?” he asked me, the tone in his voice made me whimper slightly.

I stopped him quickly before looking into his bright blue eyes before letting out a long sigh. “Yes bubba, you do, but we’re going home first to get some stuff and then you’re gonna be taken there by the staff members” I explained to him as a tear escaped my eyes and ran down my cheek, only to be wiped away by Niall.

“Ok” he whispered as we both continued walking down the hall with the staff members behind us. “I love you” he said to me he looked around.

“Love you to sweet heart” I replied as I looked down at him quickly before looking back in front of me.

I watched as a staff member pulled open the side door of the van, I nudged Niall forward and watched him climb up into the seat on the far side of the van next to the bolted window.

“Climb on up Mrs Horan” the staff member instructed as she got ready to close the slider door. I pulled myself up and sat myself down next to Niall, he looked so miserable, why wouldn’t he be, he was being sent away after all because of one little mistake that he made.

Niall’s P.O.V

The car trip was slow, I didn’t want to return home at all, I was dreading leaving my mum, I wanted to stay, but at the same time I didn’t.

I jumped out of the van as we pulled up outside my rather large house, the walls were plan brick with large glass windows printed along the walls, the roof was a dark green with a chimney stationed on the right hand side of the house, my room was upstairs, the window on the far right with the red curtains was mine.

As I unlocked the front door, I was greeted by a familiar face, Harry.

“Hey Niall” he said to me as he pulled me into a hug. “How have you been?” he asked me with a smile across his lips.

“What do you want Harry?” I asked not trying to sound rude. This was the first time in years that he had spoken to me, it’s weird. “I don’t have time to sit around and get abused by you” I added as I pushed past him and went towards the stairs which would take me to my room.

“I’m not here to yell at you Niall” I heard him say to me as he followed me up to my room. I opened the door and walked in, I stopped dead in my tracks to the sight of dried up blood from the other night which was trailing from my bathroom door over to my bedroom door. Great, blood stains, that’s just what I needed.

“Really? Then why are you here Harry?” I asked as I slightly raised my voice at him. “I’m sorry” I muttered quickly to myself before looking over at the large suitcase which was sitting in an upright position in the corner of my room.

“I’m here to say sorry” my head snapped up to his words, was he being serious? After all that he’s done to me, he’s here to say sorry now? Get real.

‘Don’t listen to him Niall, he wants to hurt you like everyone else did’ I was actually listening to my conscious now. “You’re lying to me Harry, all you’ve ever done is hurt me” I exhaled as I strolled over to my closet to get my clothes.

“Niall I’m not lying to you, I feel so bad about what happened because I knew deep down, most of it was my fault” he exclaimed as he walked over to me, forcing me to turn around and face him. “I promise you that I’m not lying” he whispered as he brushed a bit of dust off my right arm quickly. “I was talking to your mum last night, she said when she goes up to see you that I can come with you, I can even stay the night with you in the family recreational facility” he explained which made me smile slightly.

“I’d like that” I said as I pulled open the closet before reaching in and getting out some clothes before stuffing them into my suit case quickly. I could tell he was feeling awkward, I didn’t blame him to be honest; I’d be feeling awkward if I was in his position. “When do you reckon you and mum will be up to see me?” I asked, trying to maintain a conversation with him.

“Um, it could be in a few days” he said as he walked across the room towards a picture of Harry and I when we were about 12 years old, that photo always comforted me in a sense. “I’ll be looking forward to spending the night with you Niall, I’ve missed you, I really have” he added a smile broke out across his face.

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