Chapter 1~ she's moving in

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(Update: I changed the cover and hopefully you guys love it. It didn't take long but still.)

Things you need to know:

Y/N~ your name
E/C~ eye color
H/L~ hair length
H/C~ hair color
N/N~ nick name

Aarons P.O.V

I'm currently in my house, working out. As i was working out i heard my phone start ringing and i thought it was Aphmau but when i went to pick it up from my desk i saw the picture of my sister on my screen.
Y- You A-Aaron

Y- Aaron!

A- Y/N? Why are you calling?

Y/N- your little sister can't call you or what?

A- no, that's not what i meant

Y/N- ok then don't complain, anyways i just called to say that i need your help with something

A- exactly what is that you need help with?

Y- well, i just finished college and i need a place to stay until i can find a job

A- i don't have space cause I'm already living with someone

(Its taking place in Lovers Lane)

Y- i can sleep in the closet

A- wait wait, you remember Aphmau right?

Y- oh yeah, what about her?

A- ok well, I'm living with her but I'll explain later on why, anyways you remember her friend right? Travis and Dante?

Y- oh yeah! Dante was my best friend in freshman year!

A- well maybe you can live with them?

Y- um, can you give me their numbers so i can call them?

A- yeah sure

Y- k, call you later

A- bye

She hanged up and i called Aphmau.

A- Aph Aa- Aaron

A- Aaron! Thank Irene you called! We found Laurence in the park!

Aa- that's great Aph but really quick, can you give me Dante's phone number?

A- what for?

Aa- uh, its for a friend if mine

A- ok! I'll text you then!

Aa- alright, love you babe

I hanged up and a few seconds later i recieved a text. I copy pasted the number and sent it to my sister.

~Y/N's P.O.V~

I was packing up my stuff from my dorm when i heard my phone ring. I walked over to my bed and picked it up and see that Aaron sent me Dante's phone number. I called it waiting for him to answer.

D- Dante Y- you

D- this is Dante speaking, how may i help you?

Y- well you sound the same

D- you sound familiar....

Y- yeah well i don't know if you remember an old friend named Y/N by any chance?

D- Y/N?! Are you kidding me?! You're alive!

Y- surprisingly, yes

D- well anyways, how did you get my number?

The Little Sister 《||Lovers Lane, Laurance x Reader||》Where stories live. Discover now