Chapter 26~ Paris!

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Ok so the winner is Paris! With 12 or 13 votes, Disney came in second with i think 6 or 7 I'm not sure XD but on to the story! And fyi it might be short so sorry if it is!

~Laurence's P.O.V~

Zane: see i told you

Garroth: wow, so weren't just Zaning out after all

Zane: what?!

Laurence: guys we've got a serious problem here! Someone is sneaking around our yard doing who knows what!

Zane: right, we should call the police

Garroth: wait what?

Zane: call the police

Garroth: oh and what are they going to do? They aren't here now we should take care of this ourselves

Laurence: can't believe I'm saying this but maybe we should actually go along with Zane's plan

Zane: see, stupid Laurence agrees

Laurence: hey!

Garroth: guys by the time the police get here, the sneak will be gone! Let's just go outside and BASH him with a trash can

Zane: oh yeah great idea let's just go outside unarmed and attack him. What if HE has a trash can?

Laurence: then we'll just have to bash him with you

Zane: hey!

Garroth: guuuuys come on we have to do something or else he'll be out there doing who knows what still you know you guys can call the Popo all you want but I'm going out there to catch him in the act

Laurence: ugh i can't let you go alone, although Y/N would kill me, come on let's go

Garroth: stop right there!

*guy gets a trash can*
Laurence: he's got a trash can! Huh?

Zane: hey! What are you doing here! This is our house not your house! Get out of here before i call the police!

*guy runs away*

Laurence: well, again. Never thought I'd say this but thanks Zane

Zane: yeah whatever, can we just get back inside now

Garroth: fine but we have to make ourselves ready

Laurence: ready for what?

Garroth: he'll be back and when he comes we will end him

Laurence: ooooook?

Zane: thats it, I'm calling the cops to report the incident


~Y/N's P.O.V~

I was sitting on the couch with Travis and Dante, then we heard our door knock. Travis and Dante went to go open the door and i stayed sitting on the couch watching youtube. A few minutes later i see Aaron walk in here and slam a paper on the table.

Dante and Travis: starlight wonderland?!

Aaron: yes?

Dante: why do you wsnt to go there?

Aaron: Aph, really wants to go, its been her dream to go since she was little

Dante: awww that's sweet Aaron

Travis: waaaait, isn't Starlight Wonderland...expensive?

Aaron: yeah

Dante: it can't be that expensive can it?

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