Chapter 40~ Michi's Disguise

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~Y/N's P.O.V~

I was in the dining area with Aph and Lucinda and Aaron in the kitchen. Aphmau looked really sad.

Lucinda: Aphmau, try not to worry about Zane. I'm sure he's okay

Aphmau: i can't help It! How can i sit down and eat while Zane is probably out there starving and cold?!

Y/N: possibly

Lucinda: *glares at Y/N* Aphmau try not to think of that, we've already done all we can

Aphmau: awww

Y/N: well actually you can't search for him on an empty stomach, just focus on something else

Lucinda: um, yeah like... ummm that hunk of a boyfriend you've got in there making us lunch

Y/N: that's disgusting Lucinda

Lucinda: yup! There's nothing more good looking than someone who can cook

Y/N: true that, I'm engaged to a hottie. Not to mention that good is the best way to a woman's heart

Aphmau: *laughs* yeah you're right. *sighs* alright I'll try to keep it off my mind at least till lunch

Lucinda: at it girl

Aphmau: but maybe we should have a look around the cabin. Just one more time

Y/N: Aph...

Lucinda: Aphmau you've searched the whole place

Aphmau: just one more look, I'll be back before Aaron is done!

Aphmau left.

Lucinda: there she goes

Y/N: Lucinda I know we mean well and all but i can see where she is coming from

Lucinda: yeah but, if she's suffering from lack if sleep and food, what can she do to help?

Y/N: true, let's just let her do her thing for now

Lucinda: mmm... okay

It's been a few minutes and I tried to get signal again but it is just not working! Ughhhh!

Y/N: Oh! I think I got signal! Nevermind

Lucinda: it's no use Y/N, let's just wait for the internet to come back online

Y/N: but i need to call Laurence to see how he's doing, i miss him

Lucinda: awww

Y/N: how do you think Garroth is doing?

Lucinda: i think Garroth will be fine hmm or at least i hope

Y/N: he's a huge softie though, and because of that i know how upset he can get

Lucinda: yeah, we just got to be there for him

Y/N: agreed, hey Aaron! What's taking so long on the food?!

Aaron: don't start your complaining, food is ready. I didn't have much to work with so I whipped up some bacon and pancakes. It's not the best buy i hope it taste good

Y/N: this is the only good food we're getting in a while so thanks bro!

Lucinda: yeah thanks a lot! Its so nice to have something actually cooked. I mean we've been eating bagged foods and candy bars for the past couple of days

Aaron: yeah *laughs* Hey, where's Aph?

Y/N: oh she went looking around the cabin again for anymore clues about Zane

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