Chapter 39~ Finding ZuZu

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Important A/N note at the end.

~Y/N's P.O.V~

I was walking behind Garroth in that cave thing we found. With Aaron behind me followed by Lucinda and Aphmau in front of Garroth.

We found rails and we also found a minecart. Aphmau moved it a little and something fell from the ceiling. Someone yelled very high pitched.

Aphmau: Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you Y/N!

Y/N: i thought that was you!

Garroth: *whimpers*

Y/N: Garroth everything is going to be okay. Just look at this place, it's huge! Very complex

Lucinda: it's not complex, it's just a long tunnel

Y/N: yeah yeah whatever, geographically this isnt supposed to be here, whoever took Zane planned this out. This place is just uh-

Aphmau: *crying*

Aaron: Y/N, i get you haven't been around caves much and you're excited but i think you're forgetting the reason why we're here

Y/N: oh yeah... can't blame me for trying to lighten up the mood though

Aphmau: Zane

Aaron: Aph don't worry we'll find him

Garroth: right! There are footprints we can follow! We've got to find him!

Lucinda: then we better find him soon

Garroth: why is that?

The footprints start fading away.

Y/N: they disappeared?!

Lucinda: quick! Follow them!

We ran but they faded by the time we reached a 2 way opening. I had my hands on my knees, panting.

Aaron and Lucinda started arguing on what way they should go. Garroth is going with Lucinda and Aphmau with Aaron.

Everyone turned to me as i was still panting. Lucinda was about to ask out i cut her off by holding my finger up in the air, signaling to give me a minute.

Aaron: seriously Y/N? You run with me every morning and you run with Katelyn every night

Y/N: don't patronize me! I'm catching my breathe is all

Lucinda: well who are you going with?

Y/N: are you serious? Do I really have to?

Aaron growled and walked into one of the openings.

Lucinda: alright, he's going that way, I'm going this way

Aphmau: Lucinda! Aaron! Ughhhh Y/N, Garroth, you guys follow Lucinda I'm going after Aaron

Garroth: right!

Y/N: You sure Aph?

Aphmau: I'm not, I think it's a bad idea but we have no time to Argu argue, follow Lucinda lets go

Garroth, Y/N: right!

We went in the left opening.

We eventually caught up to Lucinda. We were walking for a few minutes until Garroth spoke.

Garroth: hey Lucinda, why this tunnel?

Lucinda: I...honestly don't know I just feel strongly about it

Y/N: it's a 50 - 50 chance that one of you might be right. One of us bound to find evidence

Garroth: soon... I just want to know if Zane is okay

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