Chapter 13~ a what?

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Ok so instead of Travis I'm doing Gene.

I was in my room playing Sims 4 and I recieved a call. From Melissa?! What would she want right now? I ignored her call and Dante and Travis walk into my room.

Y/N: don't yiu guys ever knock?!

Dante: sorry Y/N but we wanted to talk to you abou-

Y/N: hold on my sister is calling me, you guys can wait

Travis: alright fine we'll wait on your bed

They sat on my bed and i answered the phone.

Y/N: what is so important that your calling me right now?

Melissa: sister! My sweet little Y/N, how you been?

Y/N: *puts Melissa on speaker* are you okay? Did mom and dad offer you things that your not suppose to take?

Melissa: what? No, ok let's get straight to the point, i need you and Aaron to join the family company already

Y/N: how many times have i told you, I'm not doing it, I'm not good at making trades and deals and all that, you of all people should know that

Melissa: you don't have me convinced because you're making valid points right now, which is what we need for the company

Y/N: i didn't go to art school in Japan just so you can force me to work at the company

Melissa: look here Y/N I'll stop bothering you once you start working with us

Y/N: you don't even care about me or Aaron you just want mom and dad to stop bothering you, that's why you're in town, to get us to work at the company because other then that, you would've never even shown up

Melissa: you do have a point, but apperently you and Aaron are the best ones at making arguments

Y/N: whatever Melissa, i don't have time to deal with you

*hangs up*

Dante: you've been getting a lot of those messages from your parents company

Travis: why are they trying so hard to get you to work with them anyways?

Y/N: *sigh* its something i have to take care of, but at the same time i wish i didn't, ad for the record they are trying to bring me and Aaron into it is because they need money

Travis: ok so can we talk to you about the thing

Y/N: what thing?

Dante: we heard about the fight you and Laurence had

Y/N: what about it?

Travis: we just wanted to know if our little Y/N is okay

Y/N: yeah I'm fine i wouldn't see why not

Dante: alright well we're going to go buy some more groceries, you should go see Laurence, he hasn't come out of his room

Y/N: *sigh* fine I'll go just gi buy more mac and cheese

Travis: no Y/N we're buying Ramen

Y/N: not going to complain

Dante and Travis left and i got ready to go to the guys house. I put on my converse, my (favorite superhero) bow and stay in my black clothes. I went walking to the guys house and i walked up to their door and rang the doorbell. Zane was the one who opened the door and he looked annoyed as ever.

Zane: what do you want Y/N?

Y/N: I'm not in the mood to argue with you where's Laurence?

Zane: he's at Lucinda's house

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