Chapter 5~ The Grand Opening

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Things you need to know:

Y/N~ your name
E/C~ eye color
H/L~ hair length
H/C~ hair color
N/N~ nick name
F/C~ favorite color


Your P.O.V

*at the maid cafe*

Today is the day where the maid cafe opens.

Gene: hey Y/N, you ready for the grand opening?

Y/N: i guess so, i just don't like to wear maid outfits, but i do like the color (just imagine your favorite color)

Gene: hey well you look great in it, it really brings out your e/c eyes.

Y/N: are you flirting?

Gene: well your single right?

Y/N: yeah?

Gene: well then i do have the right to flirt with you, in which case..i am *winks* I'll see you later n/n

I just stood there taking in on all that just happened. 'Why is he flirting with me anyways? Probably just messing with my head, he was always good at that' i got snapped out of my thoughts when i felt someone calling my name.

Garroth: Y/N!

Y/N: what?!

Garroth: I've been calling you for like 5 minutes

Y/N: sorry, i got a bit distracted

Garroth: i thought you liked Laurence?

Y/N: any louder?!

Garroth: I'm sorry! But i heard ehat Gene was doing, and Laurence isn't going to be so happy about it

Y/N: why would Laurence care? He doesn't like me anymore, he always had a crush on Aphmau in high school and in college and he graduated and when they moved in front of her.

Garroth: well you guys are really cute together, you guys are like best friends

Y/N: yes i know and i think i want to keep it like that, i don't want to ruin our friendship

Garroth: i get it, but he always talks about you, its a little hard not to believe that he may have a crush on you.

Y/N: *looks at Laurence* i doubt it

Garroth: well we always make fun of him for it

Y/N: who is we?

Garroth: me, Travis, and Dante...

Y/N: childish

Garroth: hey!

Laurence P.O.V

I was getting the tables ready with the chairs and i saw Y/N look at me. I waved and she waved back at me with a smile. I could tell something is bothering her. I'll ask later. My problem is how am i going to casually ask for who she likes. OH! I can ask Aaron, they are sibling after all. I go up to Aaron who is currently with Aphmau sitting down.

Laurence: hey Aaron i need to ask you something.

Aaron: what is it?

Laurence: do you know who Y/N likes?

Aaron: mmm...she hasn't told me anything

Aphmau: awwww does Laurence like Y/N~?

Laurence: i never said i did!

Aaron: *laughs* well by the way you asked who she liked, its obvious you like her

Laurence: ok fine don't get mad at me, i know how protextive you are of Y/N.

Aaron: it's fine, I'm not mad, if anything i think Y/N might like you back

Laurence: how?

Aaron: well she would always talk about you, even in high school, after that i didn't know what happened to her

Laurence: can you find out for me?

Aaron: yeah man, i got you

Laurence: thank you!

I left feeling super excited bht scared to see who she likes. I've always liked her in high school, but i saw that she would always talk to Gene, i just gave up on her. Or at least...tried...

Time skip to after the grand opening~

Laurence P.O.V

It had just finished and we're all heading back to our house. Y/N looked distant, everyone seemed to notice that so they left me alone with her. Y/N seemed to realize and got red.

Laurence: why you acting shy? That's not the Y/N i know

Y/N: I'm not shy

Laurence: then why are you red?

Y/N: *looks away* you looked cute in the tux

Laurence: thanks i know, i was getting a lot of ladies

Y/N: uhuh sure

Laurence: hey you looked cute in that maid outfit, you look cute in any outfit

Y/N: i don't really feel like that but if you say so

Laurence: I'm jealous that all the guys were asking for your number

Y/N: they did..?

Laurence: yeah they kept asking me what your name was because they were too scared to ask you

Y/N: that's weird but ok

We got to her house...or Dante's and Travis's house. We were in front of their door and we looked into each others eyes for about a good minute until she smiled and gave me a small peck on the cheek and walked inside. I'm never washing it again..

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