Chapter 16~ Y/N......i miss you

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Its been a week since i got signed out of the hospital. Currently I'm with Aaron and Melissa and Garte at a restaurant talking about a project we're doing with the Ro'Meaves.

When i was at the hospital, doctors told me i got caught in the fire at the cafe. They said that the window got broken from another room and they put cats inside through the window and the cats started the fire while i was cleaning the dishes. Aaron had gone to my hospital room and told me he's takin a break from Aphmau and how she accused of me to start the fire on purpose. I couldn't believe she thought i would do something like that, but turns out i had severe burns on my legs, back and arms. Laurence had visited me at the hospital and all he told me is that he was going to take time off from me, because he hasn't accepted that i kissed Gene.

I am dressed up in a business suit that i never thought i would wear in my life. Its been forever since i talked super formal, and not make remarks with attitude.

Garte: *laughs* you three are so charming, and you know your company so well! I only apologize my wife couldn't be here

Melissa: its perfectly fine Mr. Ro'Meave, we should be the one apologizing for our parents absence

Garte: i heard they took of some time to be with their family this past week, which is always important

Melissa: they sure did, Y/N and Aaron here came back home last weekend and we wanted some quality family time together

Garte: well Aaron and Y/N, I'm glad to see the young man and woman chose to take over this business

Aaron: hehehe thank you

Y/N: its been a pleasure finally meeting you Garte

Garte: same to you both, and of course Melissa its always a pleasure *drink beverage* ahhh, well i look forward to sealing the deal in this new project with your parents some other time, next time i can get my sons to meet you three as well

Melissa: we would love to see them again

Garte: *laughs* well until then, see you three later

Melissa: goodbye Mr. Ro' Meave

Aaron: see ya

Melissa: Aaron! Y/N! You guys were great!

Aaron: was I?

Y/N: i didn't even talk much

Aaron: its been a while since we talked that professional

Melissa: you guys were perfect! Well i mean for the experience you both have which isn't a lot, but still . I'm so proud of you both!

Y/N: heh glad to hear that

Melissa: mom and dad are going to be so excited when we managed to seal the deal! Especially when i tell them it was because of you guys, Aaron's deals and Y/N's valid points, that's exactly what we need in the business! But how did you guys know Garte is a huge fan of pastries?

Aaron: hehe well I know Garroth and Zane

Y/N: so do I but Garroth always tells me that his dad loves pastries

Melissa: i still can't believe that! How awesome that you both have close relations with the Ro'Meave boys! Really! Its like this deal was made to be!

Y/N: yeah so, are we hanging out with mom and dad today?

Melissa: hehehe well here's hoping, they did take off a whole day just to spend with us so, they might be behind schedule a bit, either way we'll have dinner with them some time this week

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