Chapter 23~ New Years Party

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~Laurence's P.O.V~

I was on my bed texting Y/N.

Y- Y/N L-Laurence

Y- really Laurence? -.-#

L- you mean you knew too?!

Y- of course i did, Melissa told me when fishes die they are upside down not moving at all!

L- 😭😭😭😭

Y- omi Laurence, you cry baby

L- how can you know but not me 💔💔

~Zane's P.O.V~


I jump off my bed and go to Garroth rolm by breaking down his door.

Zane: Garroth!

Garroth: *snores*

Zane: Garroth! Wake up! Grrrr!

I start hitting him but he doesn't wake up.

Zane: i forgot how much of a heavy sleeper you are, looks like I'll have to resort to extreme measures

I go downstairs to get a bucket of water, i fill it up and go back up stairs. My feet pounding on the floor i went to Garroth's room and dumb the water on his face.

Garroth: ahh! Zane! What's the matter with you baby brother?!

Zane: don't you baby brother me! I'm trying to wake you up so you can talk to YOUR best friend!

Garroth: Laurence?

Zane: yes Laurence! Can't you hear that horrid noise?!


Garroth: uhhh mmmm uhh

Zane: he's been texting all night!

Garroth: Laurence has been texting all night? But I've been sleeping, and Y/N sleeps earlier than me

Zane: well i can't sleep because of his loud texting!

Garroth: *laughs* Zane you can't be that sensative

Zane: *gets triggered*

Garroth: fiiine I'll go talk to him! Geesh i swear it's like you're the princess of the house

~Garroth's P.O.V~

I walked out of my room and entered Laurence's room to find him on his bed using his phone.

Garroth: hey, Laurence. Buddy

Laurence: Garroth? Hey i didn't think you were up this late

Garroth: well normaly i wouldn't be but Zane woke me up because he was concerned about you

Zane: *from his room* that's a lie!

Laurence: what's he concerned about?

Zane: I'm not concerned!

Garroth: he's...well he can hear your texting and its keeping him up

Zane: i need my beauty rest!

Garroth: heheh yeah he really needs that

Laurence: heh tell me about it

Zane: hey!

Garroth: nah i am curious though, why are you up so late Laurence? who are you texting? It's not like you to be awake

Laurence: well i was watching videos but then Y/N had texted me saying she couldn't sleep, so i was texting her under she fell asleep but it looks like she's not doing that anytime soon

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