Chapter 17~ Laurence Dad and Aphmau's mom to the rescue!

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Super long title omg XD.

I've been looking around the living room and almost the entire house for my phone and can't manage to find it. Aaron came in also looking for his phone. How weird.

Y/N: I'm getting frustrated!

Melissa: and why is that little sister? Still looking for your phone?

Y/N: yes!

Aaron: I've been looking for mine also, and i swore it was in my room but I looked everywhere

Y/N: i have photos of me and Laurence there, i can't loose those

Melissa: well just get a new one, it wouldn't be too hard you know

Aaron: i can't, my phone has my SIM card in it and all my pictures with Aphmau in it, i don't want to loose those

Y/N: and what if Laurence tried reaching out to me?

Melissa: look Y/N you're my sister, he told you that he wanted time away from you, so why would he reach out to you now? Aaron you're my brother and i care about you both a lot but at some point you have to realise that people get caught up in life, again trust me it happens

Aaron: yeah...i just want to make sure she didn't call me, i would feel terrible if she tried to reach out to me and i didn't want to reach back

Melissa: again you have nothing to worry about, I'm sure if she really wanted to reach out to you she would've tried some other way there are so many ways she could

Aaron: *sigh* you're probably right

Melissa: either way if your phone means a lot to you then I'll help you both look for it

Aaron: thanks Melissa

Melissa: no problem....Y/N?

Y/N: what?

Melissa: you need to get over Laurence, i can't believe you still give him a chance after what he has done

Y/N: i don't want to hear it Melissa, I'm just going to be looking for my phone

Melissa: ok you both better not forget we have the meeting with the board of directors tonight

Aaron: i won't forget

Y/N: I'm more concerned on having dinner with dad

Melissa: I'll check on that, I'm sure he just had something come up last time, don't worry

~Melissa P.O.V~

I walked into the kitchen and saw mom on her phone sitting down.

Melissa: mom? I wasn't aware that you came in

Mom: i just wanted to sit and have a cup of coffee before i spoke with you, Y/N and Aaron, it's been a long day

Melissa: tell me about it

I start looking around for their phones and it looks like mom took notice of it.

Mom: what are you up to?

Melissa: I'm looking ariund for Y/N and Aaron's phone, they both seem to not find it

Mom: Y/N and Aaron's phone?

Melissa: yeah they apperently misplaced it

Mom: hmph easy we'll just buy them a new one

Melissa: if only it were that simple, Aaron has pixtures of him and his girlfriend and Y/N has pictures of her "boyfriend" that they want to keep

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