Chapter 30~ Aaron and Laurence's odd job

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A/N: ok so I skipped a few episodes cause i want to catch up, and because i didn't find the other episodes as exciting, but that means that you will come out, enjoy~

~Y/N's P.O.V~

Gene: Aphmau....Y/N....Garroth..what are you guys up too?

Garroth: *laughs* oh don't worry

Gene: Garroth! I swear if this is another one of your tricks-

Garroth: whaaat? Nooo

Gene: if you tie me up again, and make me watch yoy horribly play good cop bad cop I'll-

Aphmau: no need to worry Gene! Me and Y/N are here! If Garroth tried to pull anything, Y/N would be in charge of what happens to him

Y/N: if I'm here, you won't catch Garroth's stupid

Garroth: hey!!

Aphmau: I'm sorry Garroth but you have to admit, kidnapping Gene and forcing him to stay overnight and potentially lose his job...was kinda stupid

Garroth: mmmm, fime point taken, anyways Y/N taught me and Laurence a lesson

Y/N: and I'll teach you other one if you do anything

Garroth: I'm very sorry about that Gene

Gene: err, you better be..

Garroth: i am!

Gene: its not like there's anything you can do to make it up..!

Garroth: are you sureee about that?

Gene: yes...

Garroth: reaaaaaally..?

Gene: yes!

Garroth: well i think the surprise we have in store for you right now will be worth it!

Gene: will it hurt?

Garroth: not one bit

Gene: *hits a trashcan* ow!

Aphmau: ah! I'm sorry Gene! Y/N, hit Garroth!

Garroth: no don't hit me! I'm so sorry!

Gene: just get me to where we're going!

Garroth: a-alright uhh this way!

Gene: *walks into tree* owww!

Aphmau: Garroth!

Garroth: I'm sorry! I'm not doing this on purpose!

Y/N: yeah you better not

Gene: Y/N can you please hit Garroth for me!

Garroth: just come this way

Gene: Garroth!!

Y/N: Garroth, i think i should lead the way

Garroth: bu-

Aphmau: don't worry you can show him the surprise, but for Gene's own safety i feel Y/N shpuld guide him

Garroth: awww ok...

Y/N: come one Gene, just grab on to my shirt

Gene: finally, someone i feel safe with

Garroth: *mimics* someone i feel safe with mehh, I'm perfectly safe *hits tree* oww! I'm watching you...

Aphmau: alright, we're here!

Gene: we're where?

Garroth: *giggles*

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